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Employee Framed For Theft, Takes Revenge On Managers And Ends Up On Top

Sometimes it appears that there is no justice in the world, but the truth always prevails. After this person was fired for something they didn’t do, they set in motion a chain of events that eventually resulted in their ex-employees losing their jobs. Here are some employees who did some dumb crap that got them fired on the first day.

What are you waiting for keep on scrolling down below and see these stories for yourself, and make sure you watch it till the end.

1. That’s quite a rough story

Text - Posted by u/RowanWinterlace 22 hours ago Fire Me? You're All Losing Your Jobs. My 2019 was wild. But with everything finally on the up and up, I feel I can tell this story here. After uni (late 2018), I fell on rough times and was forced to move back to my home town. I tried to transfer my job to a branch in my area but failed, thus I needed to get a new job. I settled for a 20 hour a week job at a bookies, with a second bar tending job in the evenings. The bookies is the target for my re


Via RowanWinterlace

2. Let’s see what happened next

Text - Involved are the following: • Janelle - My managers manager • Shay - My manager • Jorge and Gordan - my co-workers and, • Kara - a co-worker at another store (who is relevant later) [NAMES CHANGED AND/OR REDACTED] I ended up working behind the counter as a customer service manager, basically a step up from a cashier. It's fancy when seen on a CV but there's nothing really to it. I took bets, chatted with customers, helped people with machines and (for the vast majority of my shift) sat ar


Via RowanWinterlace

3. Without even a shred of evidence?

Text - It was 20 hours a week, about £1 more than minimum wage with a lot of overtime required of me and irregular shift patterns. Though I had no issue with the job, beyond how difficult it was to juggle the schedules of both of my jobs. In February of 2019 (after working for the company for 6 months) I was invited to a Probation hearing. It cannot be emphasised enough that it was a Probation hearing in which I would have my performance reviewed and (as informed in training) was entitled to a p


Via RowanWinterlace

4. That’s the hustle my boy

Text - These had apparently been reported and logged by my manager (Shay) and my co-workers, despite no one saying a word to me at all. Not a whisper in the 5 months this had apparently been occurring. I was told that it was unacceptable, a call was made to HR and I was terminated on the spot and forced to hand over my keys and to never set foot in the store again. To my protests I was told the decision could not be appealed and I would eventually receive written confirmation of my employments t


Via RowanWinterlace

5. Somethings things don’t go as planned but mostly they turn out to be best for us

Text - Now, I was FURIOUS. Fuming at having gone to what I thought should have been a normal probation meeting and having (effectively) been called a thief and been banned for life from a place I'd never go to anyway. But somehow, my parents were angrier and ordered me to let them know when they got into contact with me again. Almost two weeks later I received an EMAIL from the companies HR which reiterated the accusations and stated (again) that I was terminated. My mum sat me down in her kitch


Via RowanWinterlace

6. Fired back successfully

Text - The employment laws they'd broken. Now I didn't want much, just a nice reference. A promise that not a whisper of these accusations would turn up when my new job asked them for a reference (because, by then, I'd already been offered the job). I then attached the letter to an email to fire back at their HR department. Then I added Janelle's work email. Then her bosses email and finally, the holding company that owned the brand. Cause I wanted to make sure this was seen. A bit of background


Via RowanWinterlace

7. Hardwork pays off

Text - Anyway, I sent this email with a fourty-eight hour window for a response. I received a reply the next day from the same email that my demands were being met. I smirked victoriously and moved on with my life, happy to wash my hands with the entire ordeal. However, I'd set off a chain reaction that I wouldn't know about until three months later. Three months on, I'd settled into my new job, a call centre position with double the hours and well over double the pay. I'd gone through training

Via RowanWinterlace

8. Did they just got a Karma attack?

Text - Though I didn't really want to talk to him (as I was of the impression that he, Jorge and my manager had likely set me up) I did want to know what happened. Luckily, on seeing me in the break room one shift, he sought me out and told me everything. Apparently my email had been read by the higher ups in the holding company and had caused a lot of scrutiny to fall onto the bookies in our town (of which there were three in our area that Janelle was responsible for, two in my town and a third


Via RowanWinterlace

9. Now it’s time for some investigation

Text - He went to Janelle wanting to know: why he hadn't been made aware previously that I was apparently stealing money, why I had been given keys to the shop and shifts on my own when allegations of that nature were attributed to me AND why I hadn't been put under investigation. Turns out, Janelle HAD in fact put in my 'employee file' that I was under investigation but had never actually gone through with any of the official procedures for monitoring and investigating me (shock horror). Thus s

Via RowanWinterlace

10. Oh the rats have been finally caught

Text - Another little detail is that the CCTV for every shop in the brand is outsourced to a private security company who monitors each shop remotely and has access to all the camera's and video. As was procedure, they looked into the dates mentioned to see if I'd been doing anything untoward. I know I wasn't and nothing was ever said to me. But they DID find something. Turns out, money WAS going missing from the shop but (surprise surprise) it wasn't me, but Jorge and Shay. They not only set me


Via RowanWinterlace

11. They are paying for what they did, they should never have fired him without investigating.

Text - Gordan claims that he once opened the shop (after I and Shay had closed the night before) and noticed a cash difference but had been told not to say anything to me as I was under investigation and it could compromise it. He did apologise and I let it go. Needless to say, Jorge and Shay were fired. But it doesn't end there. Our team was small, including me there were a total of four people working at the store. As they hadn't been able to hire anyone to replace me, Jorge and Shay's termina

Via RowanWinterlace

12. They definitely owe OP an apology

Text - It was at that point that Gordan handed in his resignation and applied for his job at my work. Meaning they had no one. On top of that, Gordan's girlfriend worked in the same shop as Janelle and she relayed that she was rarely at their store (in the other town) for the next few weeks before the Area Manager reported she was fired as well. No reason given to her. I was later issued an apology for everything by the Area Manager and informed she (Janelle) was no longer with the company in an


Via RowanWinterlace

13. It’s gambling baby

Text - She suddenly received an influx of customers into her tiny store space and absolutely no support from other staff or upper management. Thus, for her own mental health (having already been overworked and underpaid, running an entire store by herself) she quit, meaning that location had to be closed down too. All of this at the worst possible time, March, when the Cheltenham Festival was occurring. Which is a HUGE money maker for the gambling industry, even in a small town like ours.
Via RowanWinterlace

14. You did OP a great favor

Text - An opportunity the three other bookies on the high- street reaped the benefits of instead of my old place, as the former customers went to them instead. As it currently stands, just over a year later, both shops remain closed and I'm currently entering a job in cyber-security, the training for which I paid for with my current job. Thanks for firing me dumbasses, you did me a favour. (TL/DR: I was fired for false claims of theft. I complained to the higher ups. The real culprits lost their


Via RowanWinterlace

This story is hilarious and we are totally satisfied. The company got what they deserved they never ever should have fired OP without investigating the case. Without facts known, without any proof they decided to fire OP which wasn’t the best idea. But our OP was a strong individual who didn’t give up, and he got what he deserved.

The bookie was totally at wreck now, they had no one to work for them and they had a great shutdown. Only due to their petty mistake that they should have investigated at least. Sometimes we never know what’s waiting for us ahead and believe us sometimes we think everything has fallen apart but it is for the best of us. Are you satisfied with this story?

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