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Employee Maliciously Complies With His Manager When She Tells Him To Come On Time


Higher-ups don’t always know what they are doing.

We’ve all read thousands of stories on Reddit about superiors who are inept and have no idea what they’re doing. Most of the time, they get drunk on the power that their position provides and believe they can order everyone around. I’m not saying that strict management doesn’t work, but it only works in a few cases. And, most of the time, it can be considered micromanagement, which no one likes. I mean, if I worked somewhere where my boss was constantly looking over my shoulder, trying to catch any mistakes I made, I’d be irritated as well. And I would not continue to work there, but not everyone has that option.


A lot of the time, we are stuck with a job that pays poorly, requires overtime with no extra pay, and will work us to the bone while also treating us horribly. It is also far more common than you might think. That is why it is such a satisfying feeling to be able to ‘fight back’ and give the higher-ups a taste of their own medicine. After all, who doesn’t enjoy humiliating entitled people? Sadly, people in positions of power are frequently entitled as well. They believe they can say and do anything without consequence, so when they do have to deal with the consequences, they are always taken aback.

Scroll down to see how this sort of behaviour affected the manager in this story.

Source: Reddit

Just from the title we can tell that this is going to be satisfying.


Before that, we need some background information.


And how OP ended up in this position.


From the looks of it, the place they work at isn’t ideal.


Source: Reddit

However, it got even worse when they got a new boss.


Sarah apparently has it out for them.


And is always trying to find reasons to get them in trouble.

But this time, OP decided to have everything in written form.


Now that they had a paper trail, they could finally stick it to her.

And it was certainly glorious.


Source: Reddit

I can only hope he found a better job because this doesn’t sound like a place where many people would want to work. Being on a fixed salary has its advantages and disadvantages, but it is clear that the OP faced numerous disadvantages in his position. And I was actually surprised by Sarah’s inattention. Did she not realise he was putting in extra hours? Did she really believe she could get one over on him by having him written up? She really shot herself in the foot with this one. But I’m glad she was demoted because she was clearly unqualified for her position. There are a lot of bosses with her personality out there, but now there is one less, which is a win in my book.

I am sure they found a better job as this is an old post.

I think we all hope for this but it never happens.


We don’t even realize that it is happening sometimes.

People like her are what give managers a bad name.


it clearly didn’t affect her if she continued to act this way.

I would love to understand how their brain works.


Source: Reddit

Was this malicious compliance enjoyable to read? If so, have you ever been in a situation where you needed to use this method? And how did it go for you if you did? Let us know in the comments section below, and don’t forget to share this article with your friends so they can join in with their own stories.


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