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15 Times Employees ‘Broke The Rules’ To Give Discount To Customers


There is still compassion in the world.

With all of the bad stuff we see on the Internet every day, where people take advantage of each other, harm their loved ones, and so on, you’d think there’s nothing good left in the world. However, there are still people out there who will restore your faith in humanity and give us hope for the future. It doesn’t really matter whether they do kind things out of the goodness of their hearts or if they are sticking it to their superiors. After all, I’m sure we’ve all worked at companies where things weren’t going well, but we didn’t have a choice. This may be difficult, but not everyone gets to work at their dream job right away.

Many people, especially when they go out into the world, work at whatever place will hire them just to make ends meet. After all, we all have bills to pay, so we all need to work. That doesn’t mean that these disgruntled employees won’t try to help others. Sometimes all you want is for everyone to get a good deal. That is why we always tell people to be respectful of those around them. After all, you never know how the person will react if you choose to be a good human being to them. It can sometimes pay to be nice. That is exactly what the people listed below will tell you. These stories will melt your heart and reassure you that there are still good people in the world.

Scroll down to read about some of these employees’ good deeds.

Source: Twitter

#1 It is apparently quite easy to forget your past.


Via Twitter: Apex

#2 Now this is one of the best accidents I’ve ever heard of.


Via Twitter: Jocelyn

#3 Maybe I need to go to gas stations more.


Via Twitter: Enabler

#4 We already know that she needed that laugh.


Via Twitter: Narwhals

#5 I always tend to forget about student discounts.


Via Twitter: Mikey

#6 They are doing the good work right here.


Via Twitter: Angel

#7 Okay, that was really sweet of them.

Via Twitter: Utarzan

To be honest, with the way the world is currently going and the state of the economy, I believe that many people require assistance from time to time. I’m sure many of us have had moments when we weren’t sure we’d make it to the end of the month. That is why it can be such an exhilarating and reviving experience when someone does something nice for you out of the blue.

It may not be as common, but we’ve all had experiences where a small act of kindness meant the world to us. So, if you ever find yourself in a position where you can do the same for others, don’t hesitate. After all, a gesture that meant nothing to you and didn’t require much effort on your part could have been the only good thing the other person experienced that day.

#8 I never gas station employees were so chill.


Via Twitter: Meg

#9 Now this is good service!

Via Twitter: Utarzan

#10 If only everyone was as nice as her.


Via Twitter: Utarzan

#11 If I could get a senior discount, I wouldn’t be aversed to it.

Via Twitter: Sagi

#12 That is some good thinking.


Via Twitter: Ryan

#13 There should be more places with student discounts.

Via Twitter: Jerry

#14 If only every airport employee was this understanding.


Via Twitter: hot deal

#15 Just say yes if they ask you this question.

Via Twitter: Madi

Do you have any similar stories to tell us? Have you ever been the recipient of such a thoughtful gesture? Or were you the employee who gave a discount to an old customer? If so, please let us know in the comments section below. Also, remember to share these short and sweet stories with your friends so they can get some well-deserved wholesomeness in their lives as well.


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