Relationships necessitate a significant amount of effort.
You may believe that the curtains close after you get together with the person you love and live happily ever after. The real issues arise when you get together and learn more about your partner. Even if they appear to be perfect at first glance, there will always be aspects that you dislike. After all, humans have flaws, and you must determine whether you can live with them or if they are too much for you. However, this can vary depending on the individual, and some people are simply walking red flags that you are unaware of until someone else points them out to you.
This is where the Internet can come in handy. When it comes to relationship drama, many people seek outside perspectives. And it has assisted many people in getting out of situations once they realised what was going on. This is one of those instances. While this isn’t as bad as some other posts on Reddit, it’s also not great. You see, OP pays her boyfriend market rent, which is understandable and something that many people do. What is surprising, however, is that her boyfriend is the one who owns the house and isn’t paying rent.
But the story gets even more interesting, as you can see by scrolling down.
Source: Reddit
This story is a bit more complicated than the title may suggest.
It is clear that the guy doesn’t need to make any outstanding payments on the house other than taxes and such.
So she pays her share of the rent but her boyfriend now wants more.
She clearly stated that this doesn’t seem fair to her at all.
He was not happy with this response and called her out for ripping him off.
So she asked Reddit for help.
This would be acceptable if her boyfriend paid half the rent. He does, however, own the house and uses the money he receives from her to pay his share of the bills. I’m not saying he shouldn’t do it, but isn’t she supposed to be his girlfriend? He appears to be taking advantage of her. Not only that, but he also asked her to divide the expenses proportionally to her income. That would be fine if she didn’t have to pay rent, but she does, so this seems like a bad deal to me. He doesn’t appear to be short on cash either.
And Redditors were quick to hear her plea.
Most if not all were on her side.
It is clear that he is using her.
And she is the one being ripped off not him.
People even shared their own experiences and this sort of thing isn’t common.
I am also wondering whether he has a job or not.
This doesn’t seem fair to me at all.
I don’t know who her friends are but this isn’t irrelevant.
Exactly! She isn’t a roommate!
What are your thoughts on the matter? Do you think the commenters are being overly pessimistic, and that she should divide the expenses proportionally to their income? Or do you believe she is being manipulated? What would you do if your partner asked you to do something like this? Comment below and don’t forget to share this story with your friends so they can weigh in as well.
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