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Mother Forces Her Daughter To Add More People To Her Wedding Or She Won’t Attend

daughter's wedding

A wedding is one of the most important days in a person’s life.

If you’re lucky, it will only happen once in your life. And, while I understand that many people focus on the event and how lavish it will be, it is still supposed to be a day ball about the two people getting married. After all, you’re marrying the person you love and promising to spend the rest of your life with. This sentiment would seem to imply that others would refrain from interfering, but this couldn’t be further from the truth. When it comes to weddings, it appears that people’s worst traits emerge.


This is especially true when we begin discussing the parents. I understand that some parents wish for their children’s weddings to be a certain way, but it appears to me that they want to do everything they weren’t able to do on their wedding day, so they want to live vicariously through their child. However, most people do not appreciate this and, as it should be, want to do what feels best to them on their wedding day. I’m not saying that parents shouldn’t have an opinion, but it should be just that: an opinion, not a demand.

But that is not how the mother of the bride does things, as you can see by scrolling down.

Source: Reddit

Arguments are quite common when it comes to weddings.


And this wedding is apparently no different.


However, the issue is not between the partners but with the mother of the bride.


The mother wants to make it a big wedding and her daughter isn’t allowing her to do that.


So her mother decided to employ some underhanded tactics.


She called up other family members and invited kids along with them.


OP’s mother even went as far as to demand she uninvite some of her own friends.

OP not only does not have enough money for a big wedding but is also not thrilled with the idea.


OP has always wanted a cosy wedding with close friends and family.

But her mother does not care about that and even went as far as to give OP an ultimatum.


Is it truly more important for her to have a large wedding than to attend her daughter’s wedding? Her priorities appear to be skewed, and she appears to want to make this day all about herself and her friends. Or maybe she just wants to show off to everyone and thinks she can do so by making the wedding bigger and more lavish. However, the daughter must put her foot down or she will have no say over her own wedding day. If her mother continues to behave in this manner, she can simply stay at home.

People in the comments were quick to point out that there is no use in reasoning with her.

OP needs to stand firm and that is all she can do.


If her mother doesn’t accept that.

Then it is her mother’s problem.


However, eloping is also an option if her mother doesn’t behave.

What do you think of this family drama? Do you believe the daughter should simply requiese and let her mother do as she pleases? Or do you believe OP should stick to her decision? What would you do if you were in this situation? Let us know in the comments, and don’t forget to share this story with your friends so they can share their thoughts as well.


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