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Mom Calls Her Daughter Out For Emotionally Cheating On Her Ex-Husband

disappointed in daughter

Parenting necessitates letting go.

While it is difficult for parents to see their children as adults because we will always be children to them, it is important to allow your children to make their own mistakes and learn. They will be fine if you did a good job. Even if they aren’t, it’s best to support them rather than suffocate them. It is a difficult balance to strike, but it is critical if you do not want your children to resent you later in life. The most important aspect of this is knowing when to stay out of their way. I understand that it can be difficult for a parent to be quiet when their child is making a mistake, but after a certain age, ‘disciplining’ them is not really an option.

That is the focus of today’s story. What would you do if your child was caught cheating on their partner? Would you be disappointed in them, or would you assist them in concealing that fact? Whatever your answer is, this story is a little more complicated than that because it isn’t about a simple affair. After all, life is made up of shades of grey, not black and white. And there will be times when your child will conceal something from you. That is a normal part of growing up, and a little privacy can go a long way.

You can read the entire story by scrolling down below.

Source: Reddit

Words can be much harsher than physically hurting someone at times.


But first, we need to get into the story.


It is all about her daughter and her relationships.


It was surprising to OP but she supported her daughter anyway.


Things moved fast and her daughter already had a boyfriend a year later.


Things were going well until a friend revealed something to OP.


Apparently, her daughter had lied to her about a few things.

The friend of her daughter didn’t want to tell them but she did so after a bit of coercing.


Later on, her daughter confirmed the story as well.

OP was disappointed in her daughter and said as much.


However, her daughter was not happy with how OP was acting.

I can see where OP is coming from. After all, it is natural to be disappointed when your daughter behaves in this manner. This, however, explains why the daughter did not inform her mother about this in the first place. It is clear that OP has no idea what is going on in her daughter’s life because she did not see the divorce coming. Her daughter’s marriage had problems, but she had no idea, so it came as a surprise to her. Sometimes you just have to let go and not stick your nose where it doesn’t belong.

Surprisingly enough, people in the comments called her out for being too nosy.


People mentioned their own experiences as well.

People also mentioned how she didn’t really hurt her ex.


However, I do think the commenters are being a bit too harsh on her.

Although coercing someone to reveal something is not a great look either.


What are your thoughts on this matter? Do you believe the mother has the right to be dissatisfied with her child? Or do you believe this is none of her concern? What would you do if you were in this situation? Let us know in the comments, and don’t forget to share this story with your friends so they can share their thoughts as well.


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