In this situation, OP’s girlfriend is actively planning multiple summer trips despite being unemployed and facing financial constraints. She has already committed to two trips to different states and now proposes a trip to Portland and Seattle to visit friends, assuming OP has connections in Portland, which isn’t the case. When OP gently informs her of this, expressing concern about feeling like a tag-along, the girlfriend is devastated.
The couple has been dating for a mere two months, and OP is concerned that his girlfriend is diving headfirst into ambitious travel plans. Both of them are living off unemployment benefits, still managing rent expenses, and with the possibility of grad school looming on the horizon for OP in the fall, they need to be cautious with their finances. Despite these challenges, OP genuinely cares for his girlfriend and wishes to spend meaningful time together. However, committing to a weeklong vacation in distant cities feels like a significant undertaking at this early stage of their relationship. OP is now seeking advice on how to communicate his reservations effectively without causing heartache or misunderstanding.
So keep on scrolling down below so you can have a broader view of this post and make sure to read it till the end.
1. OP’s girlfriend is coming up with multiple plans for a trip this summer but she already is going on 2 trips to different states, she is currently unemployed as well as OP
2. She proposed an idea to OP to join her on the trip, she wants to go to Portland and Seattle to see her friends and she thought OP had friends there but when OP told her that he doesn’t know anyone there she got devastated
3. They have been together for 2 months and OP thinks it is extreme of her to make such plans, OP really wants to go but a weeklong trip seems way too much for him, now OP wants to know some tips or things to say to her.
4. This user suggested to OP that he should tell her that he cannot afford to go on any trips right now
5. They definitely are in different stages of life and they definitely have different choices
6. This user suggested OP talk to her in a way that won’t break her heart
7. Maybe she wants OP to go with the intention of splitting the cost of these vacations
8. This user thinks that she is using OP as a meal ticket
9. That is exactly a red flag, OP doesn’t need to worry so much about this as he cannot afford to go on a trip right now
10. This user told OP that it seems like an odd behavior in a relationship that is 2 months old
11. While this user thinks that she only wants OP to foot the bill
12. Perhaps she really is uneducated about the money
13. Seems like decent advice what do you think?
14. These are some wise words
15. Most of the users above think that she just wants OP to pay for her trip
16. Oops OP better talk her into not going on the trip
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