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Guy Refuses To Pay For The Expensive Steak His Newphew Ordered And Didn’t Even Eat It

In this Reddit post, the OP (original poster) is questioning whether they were in the wrong for asking their brother-in-law to pay for his son’s meal, despite initially offering to cover the cost. It was because the nephew ordered a several-course meal that he was not being able to finish. Yet his father let him order that and told OP he would finish it. OP asked him that he will pay if the kid can;t finish the food and that’s what happened. But later the brother-in-law got bummed when he had to pay $190 for the steak. this sister also showed disdain. OP turned to the Reddit community to know their point of view.


Do you think the story is going to be interesting? Scroll down to know.

OP went out for dinner with her sister’s family and told them it would be a treat from his side as he is childless and does not visit often.

via Reddit

OP took them to the steakhouse and his nephew wanted to order the largest main course from the menu. OP told him it was too much for him to eat.


via Reddit

OP asked his brother-in-law to pay if the son could not finish as he told he can. Even though the waiter told the steak is shared between several people.


via Reddit

The food came and the tomahawk steak which the kid ordered took a lot of place as it had sides too and he was not able to eat it all.


via Reddit

OP made a separate bill for the BIL to pay for the steak and he paid for the rest of the food. The BIL wasn’t happy to pay and the sister told they were saving the money for the movie.


via Reddit

OP thinks he did a bad thing. And the BIL thinks OP is an a-hole for making him pay. Although the family took the food home. OP looks for answers from the Reddit community.


via Reddit

Now that you have read the story. it’s time for you to see what Redditors had to say on this. It is obvious that the brother-in-law was being irrational and it was his responsibility not to let his son order so much food only to waste it in the end while OP is in the right here. Read till the end to see what are other people’s opinions on this. Don’t forget to share your own opinion at the end of this article too.

They really tried to take advantage of OP as they thought he will pay for it all.


Someone told us the budget for a movie.


But OP’s brother-in-law did not have the ethics to school his son but instead, let him order.


This also does not seem like a fair situation.


That’s what everyone should do when they are invited to a treat.

What are your thoughts on this story? What would you do if you were in this situation? You know that your feedback means a lot to us therefore we want you to share your thoughts in the comment section down below. For more such articles, keep visiting Defused. Have a nice day.


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