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35 Hidden Details In Disney Movies That You Didn’t Notice But Make So Much Sense Now

Disney masterpieces like The Lion King, Beauty and the Beast, and The Little Mermaid have been viewed by more of us than we can remember. It’s not unusual for us to show old favorites to our own children in an effort to pass down a special sense of nostalgia that we experienced growing up with them. Even as we grew older, our affection for all things Disney remained.

If you are a Disney lover, we’ve got a special treat for you. What better way to enjoy your popcorn than to peruse the treasures found in Disney films due to the fantastic r/MovieDetails subreddit? Yes, that’s right! We have watched these movies and didn’t even notice the hidden meanings in some of the scenes. But thanks to these Redditors who have a keen eye for detail deserve a round of applause for spotting all the interesting elements that we don’t even notice.

Let’s scroll down to check out this compilation of images from our favorite Disney movies and find out what we have missed in our childhood!

1. “Striking a match” the pun intended was lost by many. But it is so thoughtful.

Via Thrillegitimate

In Disney’s Mulan (1998) – Mulan is told “A girl can bring her family great honor in one way…by striking a good match.” Both of Mulan’s victories over the Huns involved lighting explosives.

2. A tribute to a legend indeed.

Via 1upgamer

To pay homage to Robin Willams’ attire in 1989 short “Back To Neverland,” which was produced by Disney’s MGM Studios, Genie appears in Aladdin at the end of the film wearing a Hawaiian shirt and a Goofy hat.

According to a Redditor Niiue (a member of the Movie Information subreddit), hidden details in films are often placed there by the filmmakers in the expectation that their audience will discover them.

“Most details are definitely there for the audience to find, but I think a lot of it also just comes down to creative people wanting to have fun with their projects. Speaking from experience here (though I work on video games, not movies), it really is a lot of fun to add little Easter eggs and whatnot just for the hell of it,” Niiue said.

3. Well isn’t Disney just “incredible”.

Via Tokyono

Do you know, Both Frank Thomas and Ollie Johnston – two famed Disney animators who worked on Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. Both of them appear in The Incredibles (2004) in a brief cameo appearance.

4. The comparison between the real life “Rock” and Maui is hilarious.

Via missjardinera

In Moana, a villager foreshadows the chicken’s unsuccessful attempt to consume Maui.

According to the moderator, some production houses and directors are more into hiding Easter eggs in their movies than others.

“Besides the obvious choices like Pixar, I think Edgar Wright is another example of someone great at hiding details in his movies,” Niiue said and continued the list: “Shaun of the Dead, Scott Pilgrim, and Hot Fuzz are the first ones that come to mind in this regard. You’ll find that his movies tend to get featured on this subreddit a lot, which I think reflects his skill as a director.”

5. Disney’s attention to even the tiniest things in its films is astounding.

Via Djammer

In Disney’s ‘Aladdin’, the Genie sings “Well, Ali Baba had them forty thieves, Scheherazade had a thousand tales.”

6. These watercolor backgrounds are absolutely amazing.

Via 1ightsaber

Disney’s 2002 film “Lilo & Stitch” was the only one to use watercolor backgrounds. As a result of the studio’s financial woes and other ambitious plans, the filmmakers in Florida were left to their own devices. Snow White and Dumbo are the only other watercolor films.

7. Chicha is one of the most amazing Disney characters.


According to the DVD commentary, Chicha from The Emperor’s New Groove (2000) is the first pregnant female character to feature in a Disney movie. She’s also one of the first mothers in a Disney film who wasn’t killed off or turned into a villain.

The moderator of the Movie Details subreddit also shared their personal favorite hidden movie details. “Personally, I liked the way Scott Pilgrim had a recurring number motif tied to the Evil Exes. In the scenes before each fight, there are numerous references to the corresponding Evil Ex; for instance, right before the fight with Lucas Lee, the main characters pass by two crossing signs with an X design, a reference to Lucas being the second Evil Ex.”

“These kinds of references even continue after the Evil Ex in question is introduced, such as Lucas Lee saying (twice) that it will take ‘two minutes to kick [Scott’s] ass’ and later fighting Scott accompanied by his stunt doubles.”

8. If you missed this detail you should definitely watch Moana again.

Via zub74

The hook may be seen on Maui’s body whenever he transforms into one of the animals in the Moana film.

9. This was indeed a very important clarification.

Via pogbahimovic

Disney included a reference to Kristoff’s idea that all men eat their own boogers towards the end of “Frozen.”

10. Disney is known for adding tiny details to its movies and these details in “The Lion King” is what makes it the most amazing film of all time.

Via karlamsloki

“What do you want me to do?” is a famous quote from Disney’s “The Lion King.” It was improvised by Timon’s voice actor Nathan Lane. This bit of dialogue was so appealing to the filmmaker that he decided to create a whole scene around it.

It’s only been around since 2017, but the Movie Details group already has 2.3 million members who may be considered detectives in the art of cinematography. They unearth everything from Easter eggs to stunning hints, little details, and scenarios. Their discoveries frequently alter and deepen the overall perspective of the picture.

11. You really have to watch “The Lion King” again if you missed this tiny yet great detail.

Via djublonskopf

In The Lion King, Scar has always had his claws out even in the tiniest times.

12. These details in Disney’s movies add a a whole new depth to the plot of the movie.

Via Joe_Smith_Actionwear

Tiana’s father was awarded the Distinguished Service Cross (DSC) in Disney’s Princess and the Frog (2009), the military’s second-highest decoration for bravery. Despite their bravery, African-American soldiers in World War I were frequently overlooked for the nation’s highest award for acts of bravery: the Medal of Honor.

13. This attention to details is what makes Aladdin one of the most watched movie of all time.

Via vcorgi

This order is written in Arabic by the Genie in Aladdin, which is how it would truly be written.

14. This is such a clever detail.

Via TheSpartanKing1

The wallpaper where Dr. Facilier’s shadow appears in Disney’s Princess and the Frog has been transformed into crossbones.

15. Anton Ego from ratatouille is a true foodie at heart.

Via mandydchew

At the end of Disney/Pixar’s Ratatouille (2007) Anton Ego is a little bit fatter. This is especially poignant since he states, “I don’t like food, I love it… if I don’t love it I don’t swallow.”

16. When she says “I love u the most” Mother Gothel kisses Rapunzel’s hair – the source of her youth!

Via TheCutestOfBeans

Mother Gothel kisses Rapunzel’s hair instead of her forehead after saying “I love you most” to her in Disney’s Tangled, which is her source of youth.

17. In Hercules the Fates predict the alignment of planets and the movie 6 planets aligned instead of 5.

Via beerbellybegone

In Disney’s Hercules (1997) the Fates tell Hades “In 18 years precisely the planets will align ever so nicely”, but only show 6 planets. The Greeks were only aware of 5 planets (plus Earth) which they could see with the naked eye.

18. In Zootopia Nick accidentally admits to being an ex-convict on his form and has to cross it over.

Via spicy_memays

When Nick is asked if he’s ever been arrested in Zootopia, he responds “yes” and then crosses the line.

19. The same actress played the role of Fairy Godmother and Red Queen in Cinderella and Alice In Wonderland.

Via TheWonderObservatory

CINDERELLA’s Fairy Godmother was portrayed by Verna Felton in the original animation (1950), while Helena B. Carter played the Red Queen in the live-action remake (1951). In ALICE IN WONDERLAND, Helena B. Carter played the role of the Red Queen (2010, 2015).

20. This trophy for Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs is an Easter egg in Saving Mister Banks.

Via Tokyono

You can see Walt Disney’s Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs Oscar in Saving Mr. Banks (2013).

21. In the Rescuers, Orville takes a running start before his flight because that’s how albatrosses fly.

Via The_Civil_Soldier

A running start is required for Orville the Albatross to take off in Disney’s The Rescuers (1977). It’s a running start for albatrosses in real life too because of how big and heavy they are.

22. Figaro keeps a little sand box beside his bed that’s only visible in one scene.

Via isestrex

There is a small, one-shot “sand box” next to Figaro’s bed in Disney’s Pinocchio (1940).

23. The Vultures in The Jungle Book were originally supposed to be voiced by the beatles, but unfortunately the plan was vetoed.

Via bcdubbs382

In Jungle Book (1967),  they were supposed to be sung by the Beatles, but that never happened. John Lennon vetoed the idea, but the band manager met with Disney to develop the graphics. A barbershop quartet replaced their appearance and Liverpool dialects, but the song remained unchanged.

24. In Pinocchio you can see the books for Alice in Wonderland and Peter Pan on the shelf even though both the stories weren’t animated at the time.

Via ill_jill

In Pinocchio (1940) When Jiminy Cricket opens a book to tell the story of Pinocchio at the beginning of the film, two other books which Disney would later go on to animate are on the shelf. Alice in Wonderland (1951) and Peter Pan. (1953)

25. Nick uses the same handkerchief he used to have in his Scout uniform when he was a kid.

Via WillNowHalt

Nick’s Scout outfit included a handkerchief, which he wore as a cub.

26. An old lady can be seen shaking out Aladdin’s magic carpet in a scene in the Princess and The Frog.

Via Scaulbylausis

When Tiana is on her way to her second job in The Princess and the Frog, the Magic Carpet from Aladdin is the floor rug an elderly lady is shaking out.

27. In Lilo and Stitch the adoption papers are actually a thank you note to the production team.

Via HellotoHorse

Stitch’s adoption paper Nani signs in Lilo & Stitch (2002) is actually a thank you letter from the directors and producer to the people who helped make the film.

28. In Tangled, the lantern Rapunzel lets go of is actually one that her parents had lit since it’s the only one with the royal insignia on it.

Via Dimwit0

The lantern that Rapunzel lifts back into the sky in Tangled is the one that the queen and king light (her true parents). It was the only one having the royal sun sign on it.

29. In Zootopia, this scene is intended to be a funny joke since a couple of bucks are being handled by a buck.

Via ktr327

Zootopia – a buck on a buck.

30. Ariel’s hair is backlit in this scene and it makes her look like Ursula, so Erin thinks she was the one who saved him from drowning.

Via owlingthrough2

When Ariel saves Eric from drowning and sings to him in ‘The Little Mermaid,’ her hair is backlit, making it appear dark brown/black. It makes Eric’s belief that the dark-haired human Ursula was the only woman who rescued him.

31. Hercules gets hit in the head by mast of the Argo because in the original myth that’s how the captain of the Argo dies.

Via overhead_albatross

When Hercules initially enters Phil’s cabin in Hercules (1997), he accidentally knocks his head on the mast. Jason, the Argo’s captain, was murdered in the original story when the mast fell on his head.

32. Nala uses the same anti-prowess move to fight Scar that she had been practicing on Simba since she was a cub.


Nala used her anti-pounce method on Simba as a baby and as a mature lioness in The Lion King (1994). It’s finally put to use by Simba when he takes on Scar at Pride Rock.

33. Mulan saying “punctual” while listing the qualities of a bride is actually a throwback to this scene in Aladdin.

Via Gunnrhildr

In Mulan (1998), Mulan mentions ‘Punctual’ as one of the desirable qualities in a bride. This is a callback to Aladdin when the Genie accidentally tells him to say ‘Punctual’.

34. Lilo feeds Pudge the fish in an attempt to prevent any future hazards since she believes that he controls the weather.

Via HellotoHorse

Pudge the fish is a supernatural figure in Lilo & Stitch (2002), where she believes he is in charge of the weather. In memory of her parents, who died in a vehicle accident caused by slippery conditions, she feeds him sandwiches to comfort him and to keep another tragedy from happening.

35. In an attempt to remove the grains the Blu-ray version of Cinderella accidentally removed the details and line work in her dress.

Via Jaxerfp

The blu-ray version of Disney’s Cinderella(1950) has been so scrubbed of grain that it removed some of the linework within some scenes.

Well, that certainly was interesting! What are your thoughts? Let us know in the comments section below.


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