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Husband Doesn’t Want Brother-In-Law And His Family To Stay In Their House For A Week


OP lives on a tourist island and works long hours from March to October. They prefer short visits from guests during this time for personal space and relaxation. Despite discussing this with their wife, she invited her brother, his wife, and their toddler for two weeks in September, which OP finds overwhelming. Language barriers also make it more tiring for OP. OP wonders if they’re wrong for enforcing the one-week limit. While it’s natural to want to accommodate family, OP’s need for rest and the prior agreement with their wife are important. Striking a balance is key, respecting both personal needs and family bonds.


Scroll down till the end to read the full story.

OP and his wife live on a seasonal tourist island in a small Spanish stone finca on an orchard.


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OP’s wife doesn’t work, and they have a seasonal business. From March to October, OP works 12 hours a day.


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During August, OP works longer hours due to peak tourist season. In winter, they don’t work, and their wife is also free from work.


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OP can’t handle long guest stays during the tourist season, due to their intense work schedule. Short visits are manageable.


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Extended guest stays, especially during the busy season, overwhelm OP. They need downtime after a week, or it becomes frustrating.


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OP welcomes wife’s friends for a 4-night stay because they get along well and enjoy each other’s company.


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OP’s wife wants her brother, his wife, and toddler to stay for two weeks in September, despite their previous one-week maximum agreement.

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OP and their wife have different views on hosting family for 10 days, mainly due to OP’s demanding work schedule and language barriers.


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OP and their wife have different views on hosting family, mainly due to OP’s demanding work schedule and language barriers.

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OP asks Reddit community for POVs on him imposing the one week stay rule on the guests.


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The story shows that sometimes people have different needs and limits. OP works long hours and needs time for rest, while their wife wants to accommodate family. It teaches us to communicate and find compromises when our desires clash. It’s essential to consider each other’s feelings and make decisions together. Balancing work, personal time, and family is a common challenge. In the end, understanding and finding solutions together can help maintain a happy relationship.

Now that you have read the story, it’s time for you to see what Redditors had to say about this. Read till the end to see what are other people’s opinions on this. Don’t forget to share your own opinion at the end of this article

Redditors claim it’s okay for OP to make such demand.

The wife needs to respect the rules.


OP’s agreement is justified.

You’re entitled to your rest, and your wife should understand that.


Your well-being matters, and it’s essential to have boundaries, even with family.

What are your thoughts on this story? What would you do, or how would you react if you were in OP’s position? You know that your feedback means a lot to us; therefore, we want you to share your thoughts in the comment section below. For more such articles, keep visiting Defused. Have a nice day!

Dog tax


“My dog became the sad clown when I told her to knock off the barking at every trick or treater.”

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