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Husband Who Knows He Must Divorce His Wife Getting Cold Feet, Asks For Advice

Divorce wife tomorrow

Marriage is a huge commitment. You don’t get married to your partner unless you are certain things will move in the ideal direction. Comprises at all times have to be made in a marriage as that is the only way it works. It is a two-way relationship, which is why the term “give and take” is associated so much with marriage. If one party overwhelms the other, this relationship will never work. In such cases, the best advice given is to get a divorce and end things there and then.

In today’s story, however, a relationship is discussed that never had the chance of working out but still got dragged to 20 years until the party being overwhelmed finally decided to get a divorce. Reddit user u/throwRAhelpme100 shared that 15 years out of the total 20 years of his relationship with his wife had been very rocky. And that is because one time he went through her dresser looking for something without permission. Since then she has put so many restrictions on him. She even has meltdowns in public where she goes completely off on OP berating him like he means nothing to her. This and many more events that took place over the course of their 2-decade-marriage made OP finally come to the decision to divorce his wife.

But just a day before serving his wife the divorce papers, OP started getting chills and didn’t know if he should really go ahead with this decision. So the matter was shared on the internet for advice.

Scroll down below to read the story!

Source: u/throwRAhelpme100

1. Divorcing your partner is not an easy task no matter how confident you are about your decision. Let’s jump in.


2. OP seems confident that he must divorce his wife but still just a day before, he is getting all sorts of second thoughts.


3. 15 rocky years out of the 20 total…wow, there was barely any love in this relationship I believe.


4. Things got messy right from the beginning, from the day as per his wife OP violated her privacy by going through her dresser trying to look for something.


5. Since that event, OP’s wife has been very strict in terms of what she keeps to herself and what she allows her to share



6. In the last few years, the wife has taken control of the door locks as well. She gets to decide when OP enters and when he has to wait outside till the curfew ends and she unlocks the door.


7. At times OP had to stay at work till 9 p.m. or even late so that he could pass the curfew time set by his wife for him to finally go home and have the doors unlocked before arrival.

8. Another issue OP shared that he has with his wife is that she has meltdowns in public which results in her going completely off on him…having no regard for their relationship or what value he has in her life.


9. This Warlmart incident is kind of making me think this relationship should have never existed.


Just by reading the content we have been provided by OP and making no assumptions about anything extra that could’ve possibly happened, I think this marriage should have been over a decade ago. As OP shared, 15 years out of the total 20 have been rocky. How on earth did they manage to go 20 years far when the relationship was this messy and troubled? The way his wife gets on his nerves, I think too much time has already been wasted and more shouldn’t be wasted now.

I know the story is yet to finish but I would suggest OP go ahead with the decision and serve his wife the divorce papers. We don’t know how much he has left in him but whatever that figure is, at least he will enjoy reaching it in peace.

Let’s see what happens next. Scroll down below to continue reading!

Source: u/throwRAhelpme100

10. The Walmart event is what the wife is scared about being the reason why OP is leaving her…and OP kind of feels the same.


The final nail in the coffin.

11. What is causing hindrance to the decision is the fact that OP’s wife has mental health issues and he feels leaving such a person like that would be unfair.

12. It is just the nerves…In order to regain confidence in his decision, OP shared the matter on the internet for advice.


Source: u/throwRAhelpme100

Here’s what the internet had to say about this:

13. As I said, this rocky relationship should have ended a decade ago.

Via SoftTourist

14. Too long a punishment. You don’t do that in marriages.


Via SuperAwesomeWTF

15. This is great advice and I think OP should follow it.

Via The_Balding_Fraud

16. The verdict of the internet is clear.


Via mcfruitloops

I really hope you guys enjoyed this one. Don’t forget to share your thoughts in the comments section below.

Stay tuned for more stories!

Via tacoconnoisseur1

Cat tax.

“This is when I realized my cat was…different.”


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