Karens enjoy hitting people.
I didn’t think this was a common occurrence, but I’ve discovered a common denominator in the hundreds of stories I’ve read. They enjoy not only talking down to people, calling managers, and screeching like whales, but also slapping people who don’t do what they are told. They truly treat others as slaves and believe that they are better than everyone else. What amazes me is that they don’t do anything in their lives that would make them proud. They simply believe they are superior.
However, it appears that no one listens to them in their private lives, which causes them to vent their frustration on service workers. After all, they believe they can get away with it, and most managers simply buckle under pressure and do as these Karens say. However, this is not always the case, and sometimes they must hurry out of the store before they are arrested. The latter is the focus of today’s store.
So, scroll down and take a look for yourself.
Source: Reddit
Right from the title, we can tell that this is going to be dumb.
She was just minding his own business doing grocery shopping.
That is when an older Karen approached her.
She was rude right from the start demanding help.
She continued to assume that OP was the manager.
She then went on a tirade about how the youth these days are lazy.
She kept saying the stupidest things possible.
Even after the Karen slapped OP, she still wasn’t done.
That is when her fiance walked over and asked what was wrong.
She didn’t even have an answer to a valid question.
So they decided to call the actual manager.
Things didn’t end there.
When the actual manager came up, Karen continued to rant.
She even admitted to slapping OP which was just dumb.
In her mind, everyone who talks back deserves to get hit.
I personally would not have been able to stay calm like this.
The mindset this woman has is amazing.
Thankfully, no more Karens were encountered and they went their merry way.
While I understand that he just wanted her to leave, I would have liked to see her arrested. I mean, she did slap him, and while it may not have been as severe as it could have been, it still counts in the eyes of the law. And the way she acted was embarrassing for me, even though I wasn’t there. I really want to talk to a Karen and see how their mind works and how they never feel embarrassed after these kinds of interactions. And what exactly is a manager costume?
I do feel like that sometimes.
Honestly, she should have gone to jail for at least a few days.
I would love to see what happens.
What are your thoughts on this exchange? What would you have done if you were in this situation? Would you have filed charges or let things slide? Let us know in the comments section below, and don’t forget to share with your friends so they can share their experiences with wild Karens as well.
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