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Karen Throws A Tantrum Over Not having Vegetables In Her Plot After Not Planting Them

Gardening is a pleasant hobby.

It not only relaxes you, but it also brings you closer to nature, which is always a good thing. And the produce you grow yourself is always much tastier than what you can buy at the store. That is also what this community garden is all about. People are expected to pay a set amount for their plots and to plant things and care for them in general. It honestly sounds like fun if you don’t have a large garden and can’t cultivate things at home.


However, one woman appears to have missed the memo. And she assumed that by purchasing a plot at the community garden, she would receive regular deliveries of produce. I understand that anyone can make a mistake or fail to read the fine print, but this was a major point she overlooked when she paid for the plot. And then to go after the volunteers and blame them for everything is taking things far too far.

You can read the entire story by scrolling down below.

Source: Reddit

I had never heard of a community garden before but it sounds like a great idea.


It is great for the environment though only volunteers work there.


So it is a slow process.


The woman was angry at what was happening when she got the call.


But OP is just a volunteer and not paid for this kind of thing.


Things didn’t end there as the woman was in the garden the next week.


OP tried to explain things to her but she wouldn’t listen.

She also had never taken care of her plot so it was empty.


At this point, she was hysterical and throwing a tantrum.

People finally noticed what was happening and came to see it.


That is when OP realized what she had wanted in the first place.

How she managed to miss the rules is beyond me.


She is quick to get angry once again.

OP tried to make it up to her but she wouldn’t have it.


If you thought things would end there, you are wrong!

She apparently hired a nice gardener who is always happy to help anyone who needs it.


I’m really glad it turned out the way it did. While it would have been entertaining to see her lose her plot, it is a good thing she hired such a pleasant gardener. And he enjoys what he does because he is always willing to assist others. Can you imagine what would have happened if everyone had to interact with her every time they went to their plot? It would have been a disaster, and she would have added to the drama. She could have easily cleared up the misunderstanding without causing a commotion, but that is not what Karens do.

It would have been quite expensive.

Maybe she was unwilling to admit that she was wrong.


I think it is fine to hire gardeners, it is her money after all.

What do you think about this story? What do you think she missed about having to grow the plants? Let us know in the comments, and don’t forget to share this story with your friends so they can share their thoughts as well.


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