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Guy Wants To Leave Equal Inheritance To All His Kids, Wife Is Not Happy

It can be difficult to divide inheritance.

You want everyone to feel important in your life, which is difficult if you don’t have a lot of inheritance. That is why it is critical to prioritise your children and leave them an equal amount so that no one child feels left out, as this is something they will question their entire lives and can have a large impact on many people. I know that money should not be used to quantify someone’s love, but it is often seen that way, and you don’t want your children to feel that way, do you?


That is the central conflict of this story. You see, this man wishes to leave an equal inheritance to each of his children. For context, he has two children from his ex-wife and one from his current wife. So he did the sensible thing and left an equal amount for everyone. His current wife, on the other hand, is not pleased. Apparently, in her mind, his ex-wife’s children should not have an equal say in this because the ex-wife is quite wealthy and they do not require the money. I’m sure you can see where this is going.

So, scroll down and take a look for yourself.

Source: Reddit

The issue is more complicated than it may seem at first glance.


The heart of the matter is about inheritance.


His current wife thinks their daughter should get more.


She thinks that his kids don’t need as much because his ex-wife is rich.


She also thinks that he isn’t being fair towards her.


He basically wants the people on the internet to tell him their opinions.


We also get a bit more information on the dynamics.

I understand where she’s coming from. They aren’t wealthy, so they don’t have a lot of money lying around. However, even if it is nice, inheritance should not be about preparing your child for life. And imagine how his two children will feel if he excludes them from the inheritance. They may not require the funds as urgently, but it would be unlucky. And it’s his ex-money, wife’s so it shouldn’t be a problem. After all, he is the father, so this is his responsibility.

People in the comments were completely on his side.


Redditors think that he should treat all his kids equally.

To be fair, she does sound very wrong in this particular situation.


People were quite suspicious of his wife.

But that wasn’t all as people wanted more info.


And OP was quick to reply.

This person makes a good point as well.


However, not everyone was on his side.

What are your thoughts on the matter? Do you believe the wife is correct? Or do you believe he made the correct decision by dividing the inheritance equally? What would you do if you found yourself in this situation? Let us know in the comments, and don’t forget to share this story with your friends so they can join in on the conversation.


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