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Terrible Guests That Made Themselves Far Too Comfortable

“Make yourself at home” is a phrase we use every time we have guests over.

It’s lovely to have guests over and we try our best to be warm hosts for our guests. We would tell our guests phrases like “feel at home” so they don’t shy away and can enjoy to their fullest. Well, sometimes these words can make you regret and the other person takes them too literally and you end up regretting and crying. A Reddit user  u/Mr_Yus_uwu asked a similar question “What was the worst thing your guest did when they took “Make yourself at home” very literally?”

This post was flooded with the most unexpected and strangest experiences. People shared how terrible their guests were and how they ruined their houses. Scroll down to read some of the terrible experiences.

1. Using sofa as napkin and BBQ sauce on the ceiling.


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2. You can’t have sex in your own house.


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3. All your passwords are gone!


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4. When you come home and wonder where all my Ferrero Rocher chocolates are?


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5. When they take “make yourself home” too literally:


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6. When you are responsible for your guest not getting to work on time:


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7. Rearranging the kitchen.

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8. Help yourself to whatever you like.


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9. When the guests leave the pool heater on and you turn it off a week later:

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10. Causing a fire in the kitchen by cooking spaghetti without water.


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11. Sitting on the kitchen counter, washing feet and trimming toenails in the sink.

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12. When they turn your office into their bedroom:


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13. The hobosexual guest.

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14. The sweetest grandma and the unkind guest.


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15. A friend that turns your house into a disaster:

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16. Using your food and expensive shower products.


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We love having our guests over but that does not mean we are inviting them to stay with us for the rest of their lives. Some people are ridiculous and shameless. They would misuse your kindness and hospitality. If you will offer them a favor to stay with you for a week or so, they would literally plan to move in and a guest has done this to someone and they had to formally evict her. Some guests would ruin your house, use your personal things, invade your privacy, use your things without your permission and feel no shame for it. Scroll down to read about more terrible guests that made themselves too comfortable in their hosts’ houses.

17. Dad’s best friend and his family’s two weeks stay during the summer.

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18. The guest planned a bonfire:


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19. When the guest literally tries to move in your house:

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20. The $900 phone sex bill.


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21. A 28-minute show that caused the host to run out of water.

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22. When the guests rearrange all your furniture.


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23. A 14-year old kid!

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24. Socks on the dining table.


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25. Sister getting rude with a 5-year-old.

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26. Guest eating the host’s pre-made sandwiches with their permission.


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27. College education is important. Very, very important.

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28. A 9-year old girl giving advice and judging your every move:


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29. Break their things and pretend like you don’t know how it was broken.

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30. When the guest loves American cheese:


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31. When he eats every drop of your queso:

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32. Guest ate roommates’ food.


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What are your thoughts on this? Are you always the host or the guest? Have you ever had such guests that made themselves too comfortable at your house? Or guests who damaged your property? Have you ever been a terrible guest to anyone?


What do you think?