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Mother Gets Put In Place By Reddit Community And Gets Reality Check About Her Horrible And Bully Child

Bullying and pranking others are very similar in that they both cause distress to the victim. It is important to recognize that what appears to be a simple joke for you may result in a significant loss for others. Parents should raise their children in such a way that they grow up to be sensible adults who do not enjoy the humiliation of others.


OP adored her middle-school-aged daughter Casey, who enjoyed fooling about and playing mild pranks on family members and friends. Casey’s principal phoned OP to inform her of her daughter’s wrongdoing. Casey had been tormenting a classmate for a week and had been pushed by her because she had splashed paint over the girl’s shirt in art class. OP was informed that Casey was being punished for her behavior, which included a week of lunch detention and numerous other consequences. The OP inquired about the punishment for pushing her kid, but the principal refused to divulge. Read the entire story to hear about the OP’s reaction, and then express your thoughts in the comments section below.

Source: Reddit

1. OP wonders if it is wrong for her to want a girl who has hurt her daughter to be punished alongside her.


2. OP adored her only daughter Casey a lot, who studied in middle school and loved to joke around doing harmless pranks on others.


3. OP was called into Casey’s school by her principal to inform her about her daughter’s mistreatment with her fellow student.


4. OP discovered that Casey splashed paint on a fellow girl’s shirt and had been persistently tormenting her for a week. In reaction, the girl pushed Casey away and yelled at her.


5. Casey had been punished for her bullying behavior; when OP inquired about the girl’s penalty for pushing, the principal refused to share.


6. When OP asked Casey about the incident, she accused the girl of calling her names and stated that she simply poured paint on her shirt to check if she changed it every day or not.


7. OP believed that the girl lied to the principal about bullying to avoid being punished for pushing Casey during her innocent prank.

8. OP wanted to get involved further in this situation, but her husband stopped her from interfering with school matters.


Now that you’ve heard the story, let’s dive into what Redditors had to say. Keep reading to discover other people’s perspectives on the matter.

9. Redditor criticizes OP to defend her daughter on such behavior.

10. Yes, it would be unjust with the girl.


11. Redditor disapproves of OP’s attitude for spoiling her daughter in that way.

12. Redditor believes that OP’s daughter will cause so much trouble in the future by receiving unreasonable support from her mother.


13. Yes, OP was incorrectly siding with her daughter.

14. Redditor supports the punishment OP’s daughter received for her bullying behavior.


15. Exactly! The defensive term for harming other people is a prank.

16. Redditor assures OP that her daughter is a bully and needs counseling.


17. Redditor disapproves of OP’s behavior to support her daughter in her wrongdoing.

18. Indeed! A joke entertains and does not harm others. 


19. Redditor praises the principal’s actions in punishing OP’s daughter for bullying.

20. Yes, lots of poor students cannot afford multiple shirts and are devastated if someone damages them.


It is OP’s responsibility to inculcate sensitivity in her kid so that she may feel the pain and hurt of others. Although OP loves her child more than anyone else, her prejudice toward Casey’s bullying conduct and dismissal of it as ‘harmless pranks’ is unacceptable. If Casey receives undeserved support for her wrongdoings, she will never be a nice human being in the future. OP let her daughter fulfill her punishment and made her comprehend her mistake of behaving like a bully at school. What are your thoughts on the OP’s attitude toward raising her daughter? Share your comments, and stay tuned to Defused for more stories.


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