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Mother-in-Law Chooses Dog Over Grandchild And Refuses To Keep Her Dog Away From The Baby

Dog Over Grandchild

Today’s story is coming straight at you from the subreddit Just No MIL, where folks gather to swap tales of their experiences with their mothers-in-law. We all know dealing with MILs can be a challenge, and boy, do we hear some doozies on this platform!


We’re going to dive into a post from a woman worried about her MIL’s dog around their 1.5-year-old daughter. It’s a valid concern. Despite this, the MIL refuses to put the dog away when visiting, causing a strain in their relationship and keeping the grandchild apart.

Anyone who’s familiar with dogs knows they can be unpredictable. Their instincts sometimes lead to less-than-ideal behavior, especially around little ones. It’s common knowledge that mixing kids and dogs can be risky. If a parent isn’t comfortable, it’s crucial to respect that boundary.

OP lays out the situation well in their post, so let’s take a closer look at their story. Scroll down below to read and enjoy!

Source: u/lizardRD

1. That sounds kind of unbelievable.


2. OP’s MIL has a big dog who, let’s just say, likes to get involved.


3. OP has a toddler girl who she fears if in the vicinity, may get attacked by the dog.


4. OP asked her MIL to put the dog in a locked room or a cage when they are around so she would feel her daughter is safe. But MIL would always find a way to refuse.


5. MIL presented OP with an option that they both knew just wasn’t possible.

It was MIL’s way of saying “Deal with it!”


6. OP’s SIL feeds directly into the MIL’s stance which enables her even more to remain stubborn.


7. One time when OP took her daughter to the MIL’s, they again ignored that the little girl was feeling uncomfortable with their dog so close to her.

8. OP had had enough and told her husband they would never go to MIL’s house again unless this issue got resolved.


9. Recently, MIL and SIL began complaining that OP doesn’t let them see her daughter. OP is firm that they brought this upon themselves.

10. OP invited them to dinner but they cancelled last minute.


So it isn’t about wanting to meet the grandchild. It is about not letting the ego crumble. OP gave MIL a clear option to come to meet her granddaughter at her house. But MIL made an excuse and canceled the plan. So this means she only wants to meet the girl at her own house leading us to believe she wants the girl to be in the presence of the dog. This MIL wants something terrible to happen. OP, never go to their house ever again. And if they ever come to your house with the dog, don’t let them enter inside.

Source: u/lizardRD

11. MIL questioned OP’s decision of not letting her daughter to her grandma’s house saying that her dog is very friendly and won’t hurt the girl.

12. Experiences teach us lessons we must never forget. That is exactly what OP did.


13. OP’s husband sided with her on this. Exactly what any wife would want.

14. OP believes the dog is a different, more aggressive breed than the one MIL claims it is.


15.  The suspicion that it is a German Shepherd also explains the massive size of that dog.

Source: u/lizardRD

Here’s what the internet had to say about this:

16. It is very risky to have them interact.


Via dsfizzle

17. They will walk away the moment they get bored. So it is never a complete relationship.

Via TheWelshMrsM

18. It will be declared an “accident” but the culprits who put the dog there in the first place would never be blamed.


Via fairyloops_

19. If they don’t want to cage the dog when the little one is around, then the only way they could see her is if they go to her house.

Via smedz1gen

20. This is such a sad reality.


Via Nani65

I relly hope you guys enjoyed this one. Don’t forget to share your thoughts in the comment section below.

Stay tuned for more stories!

Via doctordoak11

Cat tax.

“I had to go to the bathroom at a Cat Café. I got yelled at.”


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