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Mother-In-Law Included Her Son In A Vacation Trip But Not His Wife

When you feel you are not welcomed at a place where you are a guest, you should not stay there more than a minute after the realization. You just know they will not respect you and your staying there will only make matters worse for you. However, this should never be the case when you are at your in-laws’ house but in this person’s case in today’s story, the daughter-in-law was made feel so unwelcomed and it hurt her feelings.

Reddit user u/jdlaorufbxkwp shared that when she went with her husband to her in-laws’ to stay, she was very quick to realize she wasn’t welcome there. OP would not be included in any of the events, and by doing this MIL would make her feel that her presence isn’t valued.

A 2-week trip was planned by MIL in which OP’s husband of 8 years was included but not her. This made OP’s feelings hurt a lot. This and many more are for you guys to read and find out in what ways OP’s MIL disrespecting her. Scroll down below to enjoy!

Source: u/jdlaorufbxkwp

1. Where’s OP? Let’s jump in.


2. OP was at her in-laws and they weren’t really happy about her being there.


3. OP just didn’t feel she was welcomed there. A 2-week vacation was planned in which OP’s husband was invited but not her.


4. SO realized it would be rude to OP if he went on the trip so he refused to go. But then his mother assigned him the duty of taking care of her dog at her house while she would be away.


5. The house is five-hour plane ride away. OP felt really hurt about this. All she wants from her husband is for him to prioritize her.


It is simple! Leave these people before they destroy your life any further. It was evident that none of them cared about you or your significant other. I do not know why you are referring to using that term because he doesn’t consider you significant. Your MIL is a major a$$hole for doing this. Your way of showing your true worth would be to get out of this h*ll hole while you still can. Start a new chapter before the regret settles in. People who invite you to their house only to make you feel there is no need for you, are people you should never have in your life as a part of it.

Source: u/jdlaorufbxkwp

The Internet had solid advice for OP. Here’s what the people had to say:

6. This shows MIL’s scheme was to make OP feel left out and alone.


Via content_great_gramma

7. SO must do better.

Via BikeGood2512

8. House-sitting a dog should never be prioritized by this husband over his wife’s happiness.


Via fairyloops_

9. MIL could have done that.

Via greenhousegoblin

10. They don’t feel your presence is required at their house so you shouldn’t waste another second in packing your bags and leaving.


Via tinytrolldancer

I really hope you guys enjoyed this one. Don’t forget to share your thoughts in the comments section below.

Stay tuned for more stories!

Via NahiriDidNothinWrong

Dog tax.

“Shoutout to the time I wanted to take a beautiful photo of the landscape and my dog just went…”


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