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Mom Cancels Vacation To Order 3-Year Old Son’s Bad Behavior, Husband Gives Her Silent Treatment

Canceled vacation as punishment

Sibling rivalry is a real thing. It is all light and fun when the brothers fight during one period of the day and hug each other at another period. However, if they are fighting all day long and not ordering their behavior despite being told countless times, then there is a problem that requires fixing.


Sometimes you have to take away from them what they cherish the most and teach a solid lesson that it is not okay to not listen to your parents. That is exactly what Reddit user u/vacationslayer238 did. OP shared that her sons aged 9 and 8 are not disciplined at all. They would always fight with each other and never listen to their parents despite being told off so many times. The family had planned to go on a vacation and OP was worried her sons would create a scene at the vacation as well. And that is exactly what happened. Within the first 24 hours of the 4-day long vacation, OP decided it was time to give her sons a solid lesson by punishing them in a way that would force them to finally order their behavior. OP called the vacation off and everyone left for home after spending just one day at the vacation spot.

The kids cried but OP didn’t budge. A lesson had to be taught. Scroll down below to read the story!

Source: u/vacationslayer238

1. Let’s find out!

2. OP has two sons and one daughter. Both her sons keep fighting each other every day.


3. The family had planned a vacation and OP wasn’t sure if they should go ahead with it because of how terribly their sons behaved.


4. Right from the get-go, things didn’t go well. The car ride was made h*ll by the sons constantly fighting each other.


5. The sons got told multiple times about things they must not do…but they did all those exact things.


6. You can imagine how aggravated OP must’ve felt at the vacation.


7. They made a huge fuss at the beach as well.


8. When they got back from the beach, OP was so done she told her husband they had to abort the vacation and return home.


From the very beginning, It is important to teach your kids that all of their actions are bound to have some form of consequences. They cannot be allowed to run wild doing whatever the h*ll they think is fun or right for them. Parenting order needs to be implemented no matter how many children dislike it, even parents at times.

Kids have to be brought up in a very specific way to make sure their behavior and attitude is In order. Let’s see what happens next. Scroll down below to continue reading!

Source: u/vacationslayer238

9. The husband tried to change her mood but OP had made the final decision.


10. OP’s mother was also at the vacation with them and she felt it was unfair what OP was doing.


11. The sons were sobbing on their way home while the husband gave OP a silent treatment.

12. Expect her 3-year-old daughter, no one liked OP anymore after what happened.


Source: u/vacationslayer238

Here are some of the comments shared on the story:

13. The quicker you learn it, the better it is for you.

Via Snowflake10000000

14. By questioning his wife’s authority in front of their kids, he only made the situation worse.


Via North_Badger6101

15. I am a follower of “one more chance” but not to an unlimited extent. There has to be a cap placed.

Via IntrovertedBookMan

16. Amidst the sea of NTAs, this person blamed OP for her kid’s behavior saying their actions are consequences of OP’s bad parenting.


Via lookoutcomrade

I really hope you guys enjoyed this one. Don’t forget to share your thoughts in the comments section below.

Stay tuned for more stories!

Via u/Yandere-Neko

Cat tax.

“lowercase and Uppercase cats in my family’s front yard.”


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