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Mother Refuses To Send Teen Daughter To Her Dance And Asks Her To Babysit Instead

Some parents just don’t get it.

Parenting is not an easy process. It is a whole responsibility that you have to take because they are your children obviously. When you have just one child, things are easy in terms that your attention doesn’t need any division. It’s just one kid and you have pure in all your love into that kid’s life. I am not getting into the whole process of parenting where your routines change, what has to be done, and the methods of caring. The main focus today will be on the division of attention when it comes to having more than one child. Ideally, parents should be giving equal attention to all their kids because it is not fair if you treat one better than the other or vice versa. And this is something not easy to maintain if you take things realistically and not ideally. If parents pay more attention to one child than the others, the others will feel demotivated. They will become a target of inferiority complex and the relationship can take heavy damage from this.

In today’s story, this matter has been heavily touched upon. OP asked the internet if she was wrong for not letting one of their daughters go to a dance she had been anticipating for a very long time. And that’s just because her mother wanted her to stay at home and babysit. So, essentially one’s wants are being sacrificed for the needs of the other.

Let’s read the story and judge the graveness of the matter. Scroll down below to read.

1. Hmm, a matter of which child to prioritize. This will be interesting.


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2. The sisters are planning to go on a trip. An adventure away from all responsibilities does feel good.


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3. So Bindi has a dance party on 29th and the Mom has planned a trip on the same date as well.


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4. There we go. Mom’s trip was always going to win because she’s the mom. But why can’t she go?


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5. Oh. So the little one is autistic and that is why Mom wants the older one to stay home and take care of her while she enjoys the trip. See where I am going with this statement?


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6. So the grandparents are out of the equation as well, and so is the babysitter.

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7. I get why Mom wants Bindi to stay, Bondi and Fritz gel well together. But, why can’t the Mom sacrifice her trip?


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8. Obviously Bindi was going to be sad about hearing she is not going to her dance party.

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9. So Ava is having surgery, Fritz is autistic and still Mum has planned a trip with her sister? Nice.


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10. I am sorry but that someone else could be you, Mom.

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11. And it has become a matter of priority. Obviously, Bindi was going to get hit by an inferiority complex.


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12. So clearly she had been anticipating the dance since last year.

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13. Being there for the family is the elder’s responsibility. And I feel like in this case, the elder is the mom.


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14. So in her mind, she is left with no other option but to sacrifice Bindi’s Haloween dance.

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I am sorry but why is OP not considering the fact that she should be the one staying home and canceling the trip. And the fact that Ava was about to have a survey and she won’t be there through her recovery period is seriously messed up. She is leaving her autistic daughter and a post-surgery child to her 17-year-old daughter. Obviously, Bindi was going to feel bad about it. I feel like the Mom is a clear-cut AH in this case. That’s just not how parenting works.

Here’s what the readers had to say:

15. Exactly, why can’t she cancel her trip?


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16. OP needs to sort her priorities out.

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17. Things could get problematic in the future if OP keeps asking her children for sacrifices.


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18. Bindi won’t forget this.

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I really hope you guys enjoyed reading this one. Now is your time to vote. Do you think the mother was right or wrong for doing what she did? Share your votes and thoughts in the comments section down below.

Stay tuned for more!


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