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Neighbors Children Get Caught Red-Handed Throwing Food Into Redditor’s Pool


Children can be difficult to manage.

Perhaps it is just me, but I believe that raising another human being is extremely difficult. Because you must not only discipline them so that they grow up to be good people, but you must also be careful not to be too harsh or they will resent you for the rest of their lives. It is a very precarious balancing act that many parents are unable to master, and as a result, their child blames them for problems they face later in life. And, while I agree that being overly harsh on minor mistakes is not the way to go, doing the opposite and never disclosing them is a sure way to ensure they end up entitled and never take responsibility for their actions.


This neighbour appears to be raising such children. I understand that kids make mistakes all the time and that they may not always understand the consequences of their actions, but it is a parent’s responsibility to make them realise that. So, no matter how much you want to protect your children, shielding them from all consequences is never a good idea. In this case, some kids were throwing fruit into their neighbours’ pool, which, while entertaining for them, meant extra work for the neighbours. So one would think their parents would intervene.

You can, however, scroll down to see what happened next.

Source: Reddit

The title doesn’t give us much hint as to what the story is all about.


She saw that her neighbour’s kids were making a mess out of her pool while she was working.


She was obviously angry and yelled at them to stop doing that.


This resulted in one of the kids crying and running off to tattle to his mother.


She does think that she may have overreacted so she asked Reddit for advice.


As I previously stated, kids make mistakes, which is perfectly fine as long as they learn and grow to be better. Throwing fruit into someone’s pool is obviously unacceptable behaviour and should have resulted in discipline, but it is also not the end of the world. Their parents should have made them realise they were wrong, but instead, they became angry at OP for pointing it out. On the other hand, I believe the OP is overreacting a little. After all, who drains their pool completely because a few pieces of fruit got into it? I’ve never had a personal pool, but this seems excessively wasteful to me.

That would be quite funny but also not acceptable behaviour.


This does sound justified to me.

But she doesn’t think that making the neighbours pay the bill is necessary.


Well, she should have done a better job.

No wonder her kids went off to tell her everything.


This person has it right and this is exactly what should have happened.

She doesn’t sound like the kind of person who tells her kids no.


I agree with this person 100%. OP was in the wrong as well in my opinion.

That is also probably true.


OP did say that the juices were mixed in with the pool but wouldn’t chemical cleaner take care of that?

What are your thoughts on the matter? Do you think the OP is overreacting and that the situation isn’t as serious as she makes it out to be? Or do you believe the neighbours and children are in the wrong and should be yelled at? Let us know in the comments section below, and don’t forget to share this story with your friends so they can share their thoughts as well.


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