Fixing things is fun.
I know that not everyone like fixing things, but I enjoy opening things up and trying to identify the problem. Granted, I always end up damaging things even more, but the journey is more important than the outcome. Sure, I’ll have to spend a lot more to get it repaired, but what’s the point of going to a professional in the first place? And it’s apparent that these people felt the same way. Instead of ‘fixing’ the broken artefact, they decided to use their imagination.
There are many ways to use a broken thing to make it fresh and distinctive, from filling up a broken wall with ninja turtles to making the best of a broken flower pot. After all, there’s a reason why so many people renovate their homes. And, as they say, one person’s trash is another person’s treasure. Even things that appear to be in shambles at first glance can turn out lovely with a little work.
That is precisely what these people did. They are clearly far more inventive than many of us. So, scroll down to see some creative solutions to solve things.
#1 This is a great way to make use of old toys and make a broken wall more dynamic.
#2 I have seen a lot of people doing this and it looks absolutely gorgeous.
#3 I am not sure how a broken protector would actually protect your phone but it does look cool.
#4 This is a great way to make a ton of memories.
#5 This is only acceptable if it is your own home or your Landlord doesn’t mind.
#6 I would be a bit scared of sitting on this chair. What if it breaks?
#7 I am probably going to employ this method to hide the cat scratches on my furniture.
#9 You need a very artistic mind to make this one a reality.
#9 Glitter always solves everything except when it gets on your face.
#10 Okay, this is beautiful but I wonder if it holds up.
#11 That is a lot of work to put into that. I can only hope that it doesn’t get ruined.
#12 Where can I buy a mug like this? I desperately need it.
#13 This is how you fix a library though I wonder which books these are.
#14 Or you can always use legos. Though I don’t know sturdy this would be.
#16 I would definitely buy shoes like this one.
This cat needs to be fixed too with a hard reset. So time for cat tax!

I have to say that this is one chonky cat and I want her to lay on me like this as well. Cats always find the weirdest positions to sleep in.
Which of these was your personal favourite? Have you ever repaired something unusually and innovativelyive way? And was it a success or a failure? Do you enjoy doing DIY projects at home? Tell us about it in the comments, and don’t forget to share these photographs with your friends so they may receive ideas for their next project, too.