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Person Attends ‘Best Friend’s’ Wedding, Finds That No Seat Was Saved For Him At The Reception

Friends Wedding

You’ll always find out who your true friends are at a wedding.

A wedding is a joyous and celebratory occasion, but it can also reveal the true nature of friendship. The emotions and dynamics that arise during such a significant life event can reveal who is truly there for you in good times and bad. Weddings frequently reveal the strength and authenticity of friendships. You may think I’m overdramatic, but I’m sure you’ve seen and read many stories about friends falling out over wedding preparations.


That could be because the bridezilla expects too much from you, such as very expensive gifts, or they refuse to let you participate in the photographs because they think you look ugly. Furthermore, if you are a photographer or something similar, your supposed friend may use you as free labour and never pay you. This type of behaviour occurs more frequently than you realise, and they will then accuse you of being oversensitive if you confront them about their behaviour. The following story is not much different, but it is about a ‘best friend’ who ignores the OP’s needs completely.

Scroll down to read the entire story.

Source: Reddit

Weddings sometimes bring out the worst in people or reveal their hidden nature.


OP has been friends with this guy for over seven years and thinks of him as their best friend.


They used to hang out in the same group, and OP is still friends with all of them except their ex, which is understandable.


When OP turned up at the wedding, they realised that their spot was on the same table as their ex, and nobody seemed to care.


When OP talked about this with the groom, he didn’t really help and told them that there were no more empty spots except the kid’s table.


Via Reddit

The groom is still talking to OP, and it seems like he didn’t think it was a big enough issue to remember.


However, OP isn’t sure about remaining friends with people like him.

While I don’t want to join the hate train and say that the nuclear option is always preferable, it is, however, sometimes necessary. I would argue that open communication is required in this case, but it is not as if the OP did not attempt to communicate their needs to the groom. However, I believe the best way to handle this situation is to tell the groom the truth and see how he reacts.

If he sincerely apologises and explains why he seated OP alongside their ex, OP must decide what to do in the future. If he does not do any of these things, it may be best to avoid as much contact with him as possible.

I wonder what the groom was thinking.


This would be understandable if OP was late with the response that he would indeed attend the wedding.

I would have left in the middle as well if someone had treated me this way.


Via Reddit

I do want to give him the benefit of the doubt, though.

We also got an update from OP, who is clear that they did indeed RSVP on time and there were no issues when it came to attendance.


I’m pretty sure that wasn’t the case.

This sounds bad, but people do indeed act like this.


Maybe there are more issues here than we know about.

Via Reddit

Perhaps the ex had turned everyone against OP, and this is why the situation happened.


Just because someone is a decent person generally doesn’t mean they will act the same way with you.

The groom doesn’t like being a good friend to me.


If he knew, why did he do it? There has to be a reason.

This is how a decent person would act in such a situation.


Via Reddit

What are your thoughts about this story? Do you think it was just a mistake and that the OP shouldn’t take this incident so seriously? Or do you think this was intentional, and the groom isn’t the friend the OP thought he was? Leave a comment below to share your thoughts. Remember to share this story with your friends so that they can join in on her judgement as well.


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