Siblings do not always get along.
Sibling relationships can be complex and multifaceted, containing a mix of love, rivalry, and tension. While some siblings are close and supportive throughout their lives, others may experience jealousy, competition, and resentment. But, in the end, they will always be there for each other. At the very least, that is what you hope your siblings will do for you, but in some cases, this could not be further from the truth. While a little sibling rivalry is normal and harmless, when your brother or sister begins bullying you, the situation can quickly become toxic. Furthermore, I’m not talking about little kids stealing toys from each other. I am talking about emotional and psychological ab*se, which can have long-term consequences for your mental health. It is critical to recognise when sibling rivalry crosses the line and seek assistance if necessary.
So, if someone has had these kinds of issues with a sibling, it is not unusual for them to have little to no contact with them. After all, being blood-related does not guarantee a good family. However, these types of siblings are usually entitled and will return to their families if they face a problem and need help. After all, family is supposed to support each other, right? Well, not when they only show up when it suits them. However, is it acceptable to ruin their lives, or is it preferable to take the high road? That is the question that this story raises.
Scroll down to read the entire story for yourself and make your own judgement.
Source: Reddit
Immediately, we can tell that OP has some serious issues with his sister.
From the few examples, we can tell his sister was horrible towards him.
His parents never helped him either.
She now has a ‘dream job’ that she got only through connections and without her own merit.
When OP met her boss, he was only too happy to let him know what kind of person his sister actually was.
Via Reddit
This led her to get fired, and now everyone wants OP to convince his friend to rehire her.
His parents wouldn’t let it go, so he made it clear that he was the reason she was fired in the first place.
This revelation has obviously caused a few issues with his family.
Now the OP is on Reddit, asking if he went too far.
Via Reddit
I am unsure how to feel about this. While I understand that OP’s sister mistreated him, was it acceptable for him to jeopardise her chances of keeping her ‘dream job?’ To be fair, she had only gotten the job through connections, and she wasn’t particularly good at it, so it isn’t as if he ruined her chances.
The only reason she was going to keep the job was because of OP. So I would say he did his friend a favour by preventing him from hiring a subpar employee. Nevertheless, the behaviour of his sister and parents was unacceptable, and they certainly deserve to be called a**holes for it.
Most people in the comments were on his side.
The only reason she got the job was because of him.
To be fair, this would have been more professional.
Nobody’s hands are fully clean in this particular story.
This solution might have been better than outright calling her an a**hole.
Via Reddit
According to the OP, she doesn’t deserve the job.
His friend might have been in trouble if he kept OP’s sister as an employee.
I understand that the name has some negative connotations when it comes to the LGBTQ+ community.
I have to agree with this comment.
OP’s parents are definitely in the wrong as well.
She seems very entitled.
Via Reddit
What are your thoughts about what he did? Do you think he should have been quiet about her horrible personality? Or do you believe she deserved to be fired? What would you have done if you were in this situation? Comment below to let us know, and don’t forget to share this story with your friends so they can add their thoughts as well.
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