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Sister Refuses To Raise Her 8 Siblings And Let Them Be In Foster Care So She Can Go To College And Have A Better Life


OP has too many siblings, with a mix of half-siblings and step-siblings totaling eight. Their family situation has never been stable, and now, it’s hitting rock bottom as their parents face a long absence. OP, being over 18, is pressured to take responsibility for the younger ones, but an opportunity arises when their paternal grandma offers them and their 6-year-old sister a chance to move in, covering college expenses.


The catch is that it’s in another state. OP consults social services and finds they can take their sister but not the others unless they remain in their current state. Feeling torn, OP chooses the opportunity for a better life, leaving the rest in foster care. Despite facing backlash and accusations of abandonment, OP believes this chance is crucial for a real future. The moral dilemma is intensified as opinions differ among family members. OP wonders if they’re wrong, but their 6-year-old sister remains supportive, unaware of the full situation.

OP has too many siblings, 8 in total. The family faces instability, and OP must decide on a life-changing opportunity.

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OP faces instability as their parents leave, leaving them, the only adult sibling, responsible for finding homes for their younger siblings.


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Grandma offers OP and 6f a chance to move in and pay for college, but the catch is relocating. Social services complicates matters.


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OP faces relentless calls, torn between helping siblings and seizing the chance for a better life with 6f.


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OP feels obligated to seize a better life. Opinions vary, but 6f remains supportive, unaware of the full situation.


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The story shows that sometimes, people must make hard choices for a better future. OP, having too many siblings, faced a tough decision. They got a chance for a good life with Grandma, but it meant leaving some siblings behind. OP worried about being judged by family, but knew this was a chance for a real, happy life. The story teaches us that, even when choices are tough, doing what’s best for our future and happiness is important. It also shows that support from loved ones, like 6f, can make tough decisions a bit easier.

Now that you have read the story, it’s time for you to see what Redditors had to say about this. Read till the end to see what are other people’s opinions on this. Don’t forget to share your own opinion at the end of this article.

Choosing a better life for yourself and 6f is not selfish; it’s an opportunity for a brighter future.


You’re making a tough decision for a chance at a real life. Your well-being matters, and that’s not wrong.


Sometimes, you have to prioritize your own future and that’s okay.


You’re not abandoning them; you’re taking a chance at a better life. Your decision is understandable and valid.


NTA, putting yourself in a position to build a better life for you and it doesn’t make you wrong. It’s a responsible choice.



OP’s decision was completely valid.


What are your thoughts on this story? What would you do, or how would you react if you were in OP’s position? You know that your feedback means a lot to us; therefore, we want you to share your thoughts in the comment section below. For more such articles, keep visiting Defused. Have a nice day!

Cat tax

“Just a little attitude about the sweater haha.”

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