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Boss Doesn’t Want Anyone To Sit In Her Chair, Watches It Through A Camera Everyday

Being protective over your possession is a normal thing.

I understand wanting to keep your things safe. And I am one of those people who don’t like their things to be touched or moved. Some people also don’t like anyone getting in their personal space and that is perfectly fine and should not be shamed. However, at a workplace, you have to make some ‘sacrifices’ so you can work well with your teammates. And while all the things I have mentioned before are reasonable, the following story is anything but.


Not wanting other people to use your stuff so it does not get lost is somewhat okay but taping a note to your chair so that nobody can sit on it and watching the chair through a camera while you’re away is just horrendous. I don’t like to judge people but this is crazy behavior. I am honestly left speechless by this story. Who would do this sort of stuff and then think it is okay? So as you can imagine, an employee posted this on Reddit and the commenters had a field day with this instance.

Scroll below to take a look for yourself.

Source: Reddit

Was this supposed to be a joke? If it was then it is a very bad one.


It isn’t as if it is a very expensive and plush chair either so I don’t understand it at all.


And who spends their leave watching a chair through a camera anyway?


Is it just me who thinks this is plain weird? I mean did no one in human resources think this was not okay? HR is supposed to stop this kind of stuff from happening right? Not only that but all the employees had to do work on her behalf while standing up since they couldn’t sit in the chair. What is so special about this chair anyway? Does it have magical powers? Or was the Boss afraid that someone was going to break it?

As you can imagine, Reddit had a lot to say about Brenda and her chair.


Most people were sad that the employees did not antagonize Brenda.


If this would have been me, I would have deliberately sat in the chair and would have waited to see what Brenda could do to me.


Is it even legal to fire someone over a chair? I don’t think that it is.

This would have been the way to go as she brought all this upon herself and it was no one’s fault but hers.


Honestly, setting the chair on fire would have felt pretty good.

They even had to cover for her which is just ridiculous.


A commenter also told a personal story which was something, to say the least.

What did you think of this story? has something similar ever happened to you? If so, what did you do? Did you simply take it or did you plot an act of revenge? Comment down below and let us know. Also, don’t forget to share this story with others so they can marvel at this craziness as well.


What do you think?