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Mother Asks If She Is Wrong For Taking Her Garbage Out Late At Night

Being a single mother can be challenging.

Not only do you have to deal with young children on your own, but you also have to listen to the whispers of people who have nothing better to do with their lives. People who are responsible for taking care of the home, cooking, and cleaning up after themselves already have a difficult time, so doing so when you have children sounds exhausting. Not to mention that children’s sleeping schedules differ from adults’, leaving single parents with little time to take care of the house after they have finished with their children.

Even if we ignore the time constraint, there is still the issue of exhaustion. After all, coffee only has so much power. So it’s not surprising that this woman has taken to cleaning in the evenings when her children are asleep and she has the time to do so. You’d think taking out the trash in the evening wouldn’t be such a big deal, but apparently, the noise bothers the neighbours. As someone who has had to deal with a lot of noisy neighbours in the past, I sympathise with them, but taking out the trash does not sound nearly as aggravating as they make it out to be.

You can, however, make a decision yourself by scrolling below.

Source: Reddit

We start this story off with some information about what she has been dealing with recently.


While she tried to keep the noise level to a minimum, sometimes it can be hard.


She even got the police called on her because her neighbours thought there was danger around her house.


She tried to make him understand but he was not happy with the situation.


People in the comments were generally on her side.


And she has tried to find a middle ground for the sake of her neighbours.


But she doesn’t know where she stands with them right now.

While I am relieved that this did not become a major issue, I sympathise with her. She is attempting to do her best, which sounds exhausting. I can only hope that he was mowing the lawn to apologise rather than out of spite. Dealing with neighbours can be difficult, and sometimes keeping the peace is the best option, even if you don’t want to apologise. I can only hope that everything works out for her and that her neighbours do not file a complaint against her.

People in the comments called out the neighbours for being passive-aggressive.


To be fair 6 pm isn’t that late.

I can understand that loud neighbours can be obnoxious but this is a bit far.


The police thing wasn’t wrong but how they treated her after is.

I can only hope that they were apologizing with the lawn mowing.


It doesn’t even take that long.

At the end of the day, everyone is doing their best.


I agree with this person’s comment. 6 pm isn’t that bad.

What are your thoughts on the subject? Do you believe he overreacted and is now attempting to apologise? Or do you think she’s wrong to make noise in the evening? What would you do if you were in this situation? Let us know in the comments, and don’t forget to share this story with your friends so they can add their thoughts as well.


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