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38 Thought-Provoking Illustrations That Depict What Is Wrong With Modern Society

There are so many things wrong with society that we don’t realize.

We have turned blind towards problems that are slowly causing our downfall. Greed has become so normal that we don’t even see anything wrong in it anymore. Since everyone is doing it, it must be acceptable, right? Wrong. We have turned a blind eye towards things that we need to start addressing. Just because something is normal in society does not mean it is right. People are getting more depressed by the day and the reasons sometimes trace back to little details in our everyday life where we have to meet society’s standards or function in a completely corrupt society. It is time we talk about these issues.


An Argentinian illustrator that goes by the name “Al Margen” has created some thought-provoking illustrations that will make you second guess the things that are considered normal in our society but are highly toxic in reality. The illustrations have a very dark theme but they all make you think about the patterns we blindly follow on a regular basis. Scroll down below to see some of his incredible work:

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1. Human trafficking.

2. Squeezing yourself to fit society’s beauty standards.


3. Music helps you fight demons.


4. However, you can’t inject eternal life.


5. We are prisoners of the virus.


6. Medal of honor.


7. The sleep of reason breeds monsters.


8. Time putting your life to a stop.


9. Agreement for war.


10. Police brutality.


11. Drinking your brains away.

12. The flame burned out.


13. Selling our bodies.

14. Painting with the blood of the innocent.


15. Memories as you get older.

16. Compensation.


17. Words as weapons.

18. Our planet deserves better.


19. Cutting off mother nature.

These illustrations are both dark and depressing. However, they really make you reflect upon the patterns we follow blindly and never even question. It is time we ask ourselves if we really want to continue feeding everything that is wrong in our society. It needs to stop. We are not only destroying others, we are destroying ourselves too. Scroll down below for the rest of the illustrations:

20. Religion between love.


21. Immigrants.

22. Like moths attracted to light.


23. Ego.

24. Depression holding you down.

25. Swimming to the views.

26. Catching your next victim.

27. Fitting inside the puzzle.


28. Targeted ads.

29. Throwing away food.


30. Mind vs Heart.

31. Pouring your heart out into your music.

32. Lost without the Internet.


33. Addiction.

34. Consuming employees.

35. Divine proportion.


36. Hidden reality.

37. All eyes on you.

38. Happy graduation.


Did these illustrations make you second-guess society’s behavior? Share your thoughts with us in the comments below.


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