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Dad Asks If He’s Wrong For Making A Bad Day Alerts Group Chat To Deal With Her Wife’s Anger Issues

No one can be in a perfect mood all the time. There are instances when being hungry, tired, or stressed from a challenging day at work can make it more difficult to put on a happy face and be patient with your loved ones. However, it’s crucial that these bad days remain rare occurrences and not become the norm. Consistently taking out frustrations or negative emotions on family members can create a toxic environment and strain relationships. It’s essential to find healthy coping mechanisms and communication strategies to ensure that the home remains a supportive and understanding space for everyone involved.


To shield his children and himself from the brunt of his wife’s challenging moods, u/Glassholering devised a strategy to alert them when their mother was having a bad day. OP believed that by giving them a heads-up, they could tread carefully and minimize any potential conflict or tension at home. However, when his wife discovered this covert warning system, she was deeply upset and felt undermined by her husband’s secretive approach, leading to further strain in their relationship.

Continue scrolling down to delve into the full story.

Source: Reddit

1. OP contemplates if he is wrong to send “Bad Day Alerts” to his family when his wife is in a bad mood.


2. OP is a father of three boys, ages 12 to 17, and husband to a remarkable woman, acknowledges his wife’s occasional anger issues, which tend to affect everyone’s mood negatively when she’s unhappy.


3. For instance, when she has a tough day at work, it often results in her nitpicking over minor issues she’d normally overlook. On these occasions, she has been known to overreact to the kids for trivial matters.


4. To address this, OP created a group chat with his boys named “Bad Day Alert.” If one of them senses that his wife is having a rough day that might affect them, they simply text “BAD DAY” to alert the others.


5. When a “Bad Day” alert is sent, they take steps to prevent any confrontations. OP prepares her favorite dinner and handle her usual chores, allowing her to unwind without taking out her frustrations on them.


6. OP‘s wife discovered the “Bad Day Alert” when his sister-in-law moved in and a warning was sent out. OP’s youngest son informed his aunt too.


7. She questioned his youngest son, who revealed everything. OP’s sister-in-law informed his wife, and now she’s upset, believing OP is teaching their kids to treat her like an angry child.

8. Was OP wrong to start the “Bad Day Alert” group chat?


Now that you have read the story, it’s time for you to see what Redditors had to say about this. Read till the end to see what are other people’s opinions on this. 

9. It could go two ways: Either the wife has serious anger problems and this is the husband’s coping mechanism, or the husband is undermining his wife’s emotions.

10. Please specify the “chores that are typically hers” and how often you assist with them. This might provide a clearer picture of the family dynamic.


11. You both should consider therapy to address her temper and coping mechanisms.

12. Both of you should seek professional help. She shouldn’t direct work frustrations at the kids, and you shouldn’t enable this behaviour.


13. OP’s wife’s anger needs management, and OP’s approach to her is not constructive for their kids’ understanding of healthy relationships.

14. Please clarify what you mean by ‘fussed at’ or ‘went off and overboard’ to better understand the nature of her reactions. This will help in assessing the situation accurately.


15. She shouldn’t act childish if she doesn’t want to be treated as such.

16. If her job affects her behaviour at home, she might need a new job.


17. Your wife’s behaviour does resemble that of an angry child. You might have been better off discussing it with her sooner.

18. OP made his wife look like a joke to their family!!


19. You wouldn’t treat her like a child if she didn’t act like one.

20. Your wife needs therapy; the kids shouldn’t adapt due to her inability to control herself.


OP intended to ease tensions and make the home environment more harmonious, but his approach has sparked a debate about whether he’s teaching his children to treat their mother like an angry child. This situation underscores the complexities of managing family dynamics and the importance of open communication and understanding in relationships. Do share your thoughts in the comments section below.

Stay tuned for more stories!


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