It is not easy to care for a pet.
As someone who owns a cat and adores cats in general, I understand how difficult it can be to properly care for a pet. And, while cats are considered to be more independent and less difficult to care for than dogs, they still require a significant amount of time. So I can’t imagine how much work it would be to care for a high-energy breed like a husky who has also never been trained. I’ve been around an untrained husky before, and while they’re adorable, dealing with all the messes they make isn’t easy. While this does not preclude you from properly caring for them, it does mean that not everyone will be up for such an arduous task and that is perfectly fine.
And, while I adore animals in general, I am not a dog person, and there is nothing wrong with not wanting a specific animal in your life. However, that is the kind of problem this story’s poster is having. She doesn’t like dogs, but her boyfriend has an untrained husky. She repeatedly informed him that the husky would not be permitted in their new shared residence. And, while he initially agreed to this condition, he is now portraying her as the villain for refusing to let his dog live with them.
By scrolling down, you can decide for yourself who the bad guy is.
Source: Reddit
The title makes her sound like the bad guy but the story is more complex.
First, we get some information on their relationship.
And also on the Husky and why OP doesn’t want to live with her.
She was clear with her boyfriend right from the start.
She has valid reasons for refusing as well so he agreed at first.
However, he recently changed his tune and is now urging her to reconsider her position.
That is why she decided to ask Reddit for help.
In this case, I may be slightly biased, but I do not believe she is in the wrong. It’s not like she sprung this issue on him at the last minute and is now forcing him to make a decision. She was unambiguous from the start. And, while it is his right to live with his dog, she has the right not to. And, as she has stated, she would not have been so opposed if the dog had been well-trained, which is not the case. All of the reasons she has given seem valid to me, so I would suggest that the boyfriend find a solution that he is happy with as well.
Even people who adore dogs could understand her position very well.

After all, OP might have been fine with it if the dog was trained but that is not the case.
She needs to stand firm or she might face problems later on.
I would go as far as break up but reconsidering the relationship might be a good idea.
The responsibility falls upon him.
We also got a comment from the boyfriend in question and he decided to listen to his girlfriend after all.
What are your thoughts on the matter? Do you think she’s being too harsh and that the dog should be allowed to live with them? Or do you believe she should stand firm? What would you do in this circumstance? Comment below to let us know, and remember to share this story with your friends so they can share their own experiences with similar situations.
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