Parentification is fairly common in today’s society.
You may be wondering what parentification is. It is when a parent transfers all of the responsibility of raising a child to one of their other children. Because of the added pressure, the child is forced to mature at a young age. Growing up early and having to take on a lot of responsibilities when you’re young is something no child, or anyone should have to do. After all, if you’re having a child, it’s your responsibility, not anyone else’s. It is acceptable for your child to occasionally look after their sibling because it strengthens their bonds but there has to be a balance.
That balance is clearly lacking in the situation described in this story. I truly feel for this girl because she adores her sister and wishes to assist her as much as she can, but her mother is simply taking advantage of the situation. If I were in her shoes, I would tell the mother right away that this isn’t possible. However, nothing is ever as simple as it appears, and standing up for things like this can take a lot of courage. After all, you don’t want to appear unconcerned about your family’s plight. That is why the OP decided to seek assistance from Reddit.
You can scroll below to see what strangers on the internet had to say.
Source: Reddit
The title makes the scenario sound worse than it actually is.
Because it is not as if she doesn’t love her sister anymore.
The thing is she can’t take care of her sister 24/7 anymore like she used to.
She has raised this concern with her mother before as well.
However, nothing came out of it and she had to continue to shoulder these responsibilities.
And while she loves her sister, it is impossible for her to do everything.
I understand that she had to care for everyone while her mother recovered from surgery. However, she has already recovered and is now only taking advantage of her daughter. And I’m not even speaking out of turn because the mother said so herself. I understand that people can become complacent when someone takes over their responsibility, but does she have any feelings for her daughter? OP’s mother needs to get a grip and realise that her daughter is suffering as a result of her actions.
People in the comments sympathised with her plight as well.
After all, it is not her responsibility at all.
And while OP defended her mother.
It doesn’t seem like the mother is paying attention to how her daughter feels.
This Reddit commenter has it right.
OP also answered a few questions to clear up everything.
Most of the people had a lot of advice to give.
After all, it may be good for her to just not stay at home as much.
However, clear communication is always the better idea in my opinion.
What are your feelings about this situation? What would you do if you discovered that your parents were being lazy and dumping all of the responsibilities of raising a child on you? Would you discuss it with them or continue to raise your sibling? Have you ever been in a situation like this? If so, please let us know in the comments section below, and don’t forget to share this story with others so they can share their thoughts as well.
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