
23 Reasons To Not Adopt a Bull Terrier (Spoiler Alert: They Need Too Many Cuddles)

For decades people have continuously enforced these meaningless stereotypes on different breeds of dogs that affect how other people perceive and treat them. But in many cases these stereotypes are so far from reality that it feels kind of ridiculous to see people actually believe them.


One of these stereotypes is that Bull Terriers (because of what their appearance suggests) are dangerous and mean little creatures that show no mercy. What’s funny is that this statement could not have possibly been more wrong. These precious little dogs, like all dogs, have their own special traits that make them very admirable and unique.

We believe that people should rethink their false opinions about Bull Terriers and start to see these little angels for what they truly are. For that purpose we’ve collected proof that illustrates the true nature of a Bull Terrier and hopefully will make you understand just how adorable these dogs can be.

1. They really know how to get themselves their cuddles.

Via ecoohill / Reddit

“Personal space? Never heard of it.”

2. They have such big contagious smiles.

Via OpethBodom / Reddit

3. They can be terribly impatient but that’s okay who likes to be late to things anyway.

Via  digitydog70/reddit

4. They’re very big fans of getting their beauty sleep before going back to making everyone’s lives better again.

Via Starksbast*rd/reddit

5. Sometimes Terriers don’t like to cuddle.

Via chinkb*tch710/reddit

6. They always get into this very “threatening” pose.

Via iddumiiu/reddit

7. They look so adorable. Aren’t they?

Via wrath_7/reddit

8. They can take a nap anywhere anytime no matter what.

Via  smellywife/reddit

9. They settle into your house’s atmosphere as if they’ve lived there for longer than you have.

Via  SnooEpiphanies7181/reddit

10. Their muzzles are as threatening as sunflowers.

Via  cheesyfingaz985/reddit

11. Some of them also love to be around plants.

Via  ohhrissa/reddit

Every breed in this universe is unique and have special features that make them special and different from others. Likewise, in dogs breed we have Bull Terriers that are known for some of their characteristics. These dogs are not very known or recognized due to some myths. But the fact is, they are irreplaceable and are mostly adored. They are one-of-a-kind and special breed. Let’s have a look at some more pictures of these adorable dogs:

12. They love to play around so much.

Via maggiegraves88/reddit

13. They don’t mind sharing their place with others.

Via incaman88/reddit

14. They are filled with so much energy.

Via Dex1410/reddit

15. They love to play around even when it’s cold outside.

Via  terrestrial-trash/reddit

16. They get along so well with other dogs.

Via  ecoohill/reddit

17. It should be illegal to not pet a dog when they look like this.

Via yeetyeet69420yeet/reddit

18. Look at that very scary tongue.

Via  S*tanicBotanist/reddit

19. They make you go “Aww” like other fluffy babies.

Via  catsfancycats/reddit

20. They’re so well disciplined and obedient.

Via girlwithalotofquest/reddit

21. They love taking naps and human company.

Via gdelfosse13/reddit

22. They love to smile and get excited and happy so easily.

Via smellywife/reddit

23. They love to cuddle and it’s impossible not to have your heart melted when you see them being as cuddly as they love to be.

Via Pacyyyyyy/reddit

Do you own a Bull Terrier? If yes, what characteristic you do you like the most of them? Do share the picture of your Bull Terrier with us in the comments section below. We would love to hear your thoughts on them.


What do you think?