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21 Stories About People With Superpowers That Would Make Even Marvel Heroes Jealous

Did you think superpowers only exist in the fictional world? Well, think again.

Remember how we used to dream about having some magical powers when we were kids, likewise being in adulthood our dream is still the same. We’ve all probably dreamed about being able to manipulate items with our minds, becoming invisible, or flying in the air. There are numerous superhero films over the last 10-20 years that have only fueled our fantasies. But In truth, there are many real-life heroes who have some special powers and those abilities make us envious and jealous of them.


We’ve assembled some incredible true-life stories of people who demonstrated that not only the superheroes we used to see on television can be actual heroes but there are many off-screen heroes in this world as well. If you don’t believe in what we are saying, then just keep scrolling down and read these amazing stories of people having superpowers!

1. This boss has some amazing superpowers:


2. Superpower that helps babies sleep instantly:


3. This kid can escape a horrible nightmare.


4. Sleeping during the entire flight.


Via 1morepandabear / Twitter

5. Friend got some superpowers.


6. Responding to someone’s negative remark!

7. This girl has shared her boyfriend’s habits!


8. That’s not a superpower, that’s a bad memory!

9. Uncle turning invisible!


10. Cursing Superpower.

Via blvck_forward / Twitter

11. Now that’s a real superpower!


12. We’re suspicious too!

13. This angry man got some electric powers!


14. Discovering bands after 5 years!

15. This guy gets nervous in advance!

Via Wizard_Severus / Twitter

16. Time Machine!

17. Remembering phone number: A Great Superpower!


18. This girl has the superpower to transport her hobbies to others.

19. Superpower of losing everything!


20. Mind automatically starts counting stairs!

21. Men’s Superpower!


As we have reached the end of the post, now do you believe that people can actually have superpowers? It doesn’t have to be flying in the sky, or lasers coming out of the eyes, it’s only a matter of perception. For example, I think, a mommy who takes care of her kids and everyone else but never gets tired, that is a superpower as well, don’t you think? There are many other real-life situations as well that will make you believe that superpowers can be real. All you have to do is come out of the fictional world and try to look around you.

You might have some of those superpowers too! There’s a chance that you will not notice it, so it’s best to ask a friend or your parents. Let’s hear them out! However, if you think you have any special powers that you can share with us, feel free to use the comments section below!


What do you think?