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25 Life Pro-Tips That You Should Never Ever Use

Life hacks can really save you ample time and effort if only they are the right ones.

Pro tips can be really helpful at times. They can get you through major obstacles with ease and you can sort of using them as magic whenever you are stuck in a situation where those pro tips apply. And everyone who possesses a life pro tip should take it upon themselves to spread it further down the chain so everyone can benefit from them and save a lot of time and effort that can be used in some other productive task. So yeah, pro tips have always been really nice to have in your life and can be a life savior at times.


But there do exist some life pro tips that are just not right, no matter who tells providers you with these pro tips, if you don’t feel right about them just don’t use them because they could actually get you in lots and lots of trouble. We often think pro tips can get us through the hurdle in seconds but when they are not the right ones, you might end up serving some jail time owing to them.

Today we are going to look at some life pro tips or life hacks that one should not be following and we really believe our audience has a really nice common sense and will actually look at these hacks in a way that makes them sound really funny and hilarious, that is as concerning you should be with it.

Scroll down below to enjoy!

1. Could set you for life but could also set you up for life imprisonment if you really think about it.


Dumb does not make billions. Facebook and Google made billions because they are smart and smart companies don’t just randomly pay $122 million in bills because why not.

Source: Reddit

2. And by selling one of your two kidneys, contracting high-risk health issues like proteinuria, high blood pressure, and fluid retention would also be a choice, right?


Imagine going in to get your kidney taken out and you just die in the process. So much for that $262,000.

Source: Reddit

3. This life pro-tip is only going to get you to an ER max because a pissed off person will definitely show you that you pissed them off.


One finger quotation can hit you with a $10K medical bill.

Source: Reddit

4. Thanks for the heads-up, my brother. See you at the alien planet.


Thank God for that insight, or else I would’ve definitely called for a doctor.

Source: Reddit

5. Please don’t get convicted for a criminal offences just because you want to be appreciated for something you are not.


Look guys, so many people called me sexy. Also my drivers license just got revoked.

Source: Reddit

6. Get all the expensive services for free but we are not responsible if Adobe hits you with a lawsuit.


Source: Reddit

7. Hmm, every wife might not react to that information the way, maybe, Seth’s wife did.

If the cleaner is the Queen’s daughter then sure, your wide just might clean the house for her.

Source: Reddit

8. This person is on another level than us and I don’t think I am capable of getting there, neither do I want to.


Source: Reddit

9. You also won’t have access to other, more fun, activities either if you think about it, sire.

How about going out and having face-to-face conversations with people you value? Nah, what’s the fun in that.

Source: Reddit

10. Oh god just do not o near that thing, please do not.

Whoever came up with this life pro tip was probably on it.


Source: Reddit

11. Did you completely forget about a whole investigation that they might start on you just because you gave them a hint that you might be part of a major offence.

Things not to do in life 101.

Source: Reddit

12. Wherever it says “life hacks” in bold, it is definitely not a life hack.

See I have been there so I would never exploit such an unfortunate opportunity.


Source: Reddit

These life pro tips man, they are so hilarious and the way they are delivered. I just love the internet, they hit you with the most creative yet craziest stuff ever. Something always beyond imagination. But on a real though, please do not follow these pro tips because they are in no way right. But anyways, we are only here for the laughs and I hope we are getting them out of you guys.

Scroll down below to continue!

13. How about just letting them be? That doesn’t sound too difficult, does it?

Source: Reddit

14. Never drive with the anxiety of “What if something happened to my car?” because you will never get those warning signals.


Now, this is what you call a modern solution.

Source: Reddit

15. Saving those $5 would really get me somewhere, thank you so much for this tip.

Yeah spending almost the same amount to produce something worse sounds like a very sensible option to go for.

Source: Reddit

16. I think there are more polite ways than to permanently make them crutches bound.


Have you tried “asking”?

Source: Reddit

17. Why? Why would your brain even go towards that direction?

Source: Reddit

18. So every time I want to text someone “Hi”, I have to search “Horse” on Wikipedia, copy the H and paste it into my conversation. Great idea.


Source: Reddit

19. I don’t think I have ever received better advice.

Source: Reddit

20. They will never find it and once they go away, you can just go back and sip it right off of the road.


Source: Reddit

21. They are basically telling you to become a manipulative piece of poop, please don’t be that, there are betters options in life.

You better watch out, the neighborhood can stick bad at times.

Source: Reddit

22. You know what, this can work but I would rather advise not going to the store and sleeping instead…please?


Source: Reddit

23. There has;t been a theft at his store but there also hasn’t been a sale either. Great job, businessman.

Source: Reddit

24. Some great life saving advice for everyone if they ever encounter a shark, workability rate: 100.


Source: Reddit

25. You can, if you don’t have plans to live any further.

Source: Reddit

I really hope you guys enjoyed this one. Don’t forget to share your thoughts in the comments section down below.


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