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Employee Gets Fired, Takes Essential Program With Them, Company Becomes Non-Functional

This factory believed it could fire an employee while maintaining its game-changing program. They appear to have thought too quickly. Another example of an employee getting the better of an ungrateful company is an ungrateful psycho boss who received instant karma. So what are you waiting for people? Keep on scrolling down below and don’t forget to watch it till the end otherwise, you are not going to get the whole story here.



1. First of all get it in your mind that these types of programs are not a piece of cake, you need a lot of hard work to create something like this.

Text - Posted by u/Wintertodt 2 days ago Buy my program when you fire me? No? Okay. oc M Long story short: I was employed at a rather large factory which is one of the largest plant based companies in the world, recently bought by an investment firm not so long ago. Anyways, I developed a program which was used at the factory, it could tell whenever any machines were not running, even if it was due to a manual stop or anything else. My program knew the reason why the machine was idling. This pro


Via Wintertodt

2. Okay, let’s see what happened.

Text - Factory appoints a new chief, all the old employees that were in a leader position was let go because it was time for "new blood to come in". There was talk a lot of talk about selling off parts of the factory, including machines and so on. This included programs that I had developed, including the program that identified whenever a machine stopped. I developed this program on my spare time, showed it to the old management and they liked it enough that they wanted to use it on every stati


Via Wintertodt

3. They are such a jerk for doing this

Text - When the newly appointed factory chief wanted to let the the old employees, me included, leave, it was not known that I was the person behind that program. Anyways, at my meeting with HR and the factory chief I said that I was willing to sell them the program and teach someone how to maintain the program. The factory chief laughed in my face and said it was company property and that it was simply "their program" and not mine. I offered to show them the source code and everything but it le


Via Wintertodt

4. Thanks to the factory cheif

Text - After a week or so, they noticed problems with the program, it would stop loading, stop registering stops and it would mislabel stops. I knew that this was when the fun was about to begin. After a month, I was called in to the office and was told that "I had tampered with the program because it had suddenly stopped working." I let them know that someone had to maintain it. I was ordered to teach someone how to do that job and I told them "after you pay me for the program rights". They wou


Via Wintertodt

5. A lot of dedication is required to create a software like this

Text - I left after that week, got a phone call about a month after I left where they begged me to sell them the rights and teach someone how to maintain it. I never sold them that program, instead I sold an improved version to another factory nearby, where I am now employed. Edit: I see some are saying that I am in the wrong based on US law, just editing here to let you know that this did not take place in the US. I made the program during my spare time at home on my own computer. After introdu


Via Wintertodt

6. True that, what do you think?


7. Somebody is speaking facts here

8. Are you kidding me? For a magnet on a string?


9. Genius 101

10. You never know what’s waiting ahead


11. We all need to admire the guy don’t we?

12. That’s a lot of Computer Science here


13. People don’t deserve geniuses

OP had no bad intention or anything that would harm the factory but they still decided to fire him, despite the fact that he gave a lot of time and dedication to his job. Well apparently, the factory chief was being over-smart and what he did was totally absurd and strange. Well, they got what they deserved. After reading this story I think we don’t deserve genius people. People are happy with their old-fashioned way of work although someone like OP can save them a lot of time and money they still decide to be toxic.

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