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Woman Employee Deals With Angry Dominating Male Coworker By Calling Them “Emotional”

A classic case of an entitled worker being put into their place.

The office environment is not easy to get through. There are a lot of ups and downs. There are challenges related to working where you often get stuck on tasks for weeks and that can really get those stress levels to an all-time high. And then there’s the challenge of dealing with your co-workers. I, personally, would rate this as a more difficult challenge than the work-related problems. And that is because it is highly important for the workforce to operate as a team. Each department is basically working all together towards the final product and the ultimate goal is to raise the company’s overall value. So, communication and coordination are key. If the company has a workforce that bonds well and has no communication gap, you will notice that the work-related challenges for that workforce automatically start decreasing because everyone is always there for the other and the team, together as one, gets through the matter.


Similarly, there’s the other side of the story. Having bad co-workers can really cause some dramas to ensue and the employees’ attention from the main goal, which is to increase the company’s value, gets diverted. Bad co-workers really have no purpose but to negate the performance of everyone else and reinforce bad behavior. These people feel a sense of entitlement that basically inflates their ego and makes them think they can dominate anyone, and do anything and get away with it. Unfortunately for this one co-worker with terrible anger management issues, things didn’t really go their way.

In today’s office drama that we have got for you guys, a male worker felt entitled enough to target their female coworker with all the typical stereotypes there are to exist, by creating an image of her as the “emotional” one and his own as the “rational” one. You know how it goes in this male-dominated society. But she didn’t just sit there and absorb all the sh*t he was giving her and decided to give him a taste of his own medicine. u/imonvacaaation posted this story on the famous subreddit known as “Am I The A**Hole?” to ask if she was wrong for doing that coworker dirty or not. The subreddit has gained over 4,400,000 members in 9 years. This sacred corner of Reddit is filled with stories shared by people part of that event asking whether they did the right thing or not and the community gives an unbiased opinion on the matter.

Let’s read through Reddit user u/imonvacaaation‘s story and judge for ourselves if she did the right thing or not. Scroll down below to enjoy!

1. It’s basically a “how to deal with a co-worker with anger issues”.


Via u/imonvacaaation

2. There is always that one person on the team.

According to some of my friends in software houses, teams are incomplete without such a rude person. Wow, I would never want to be part of such a team.


Via u/imonvacaaation

3. Such people are not supposed to be given chances. The boss is not doing the right thing and he may regret it.


Via u/imonvacaaation

4. Once a meanie, always a meanie.


Via u/imonvacaaation

5. Lawmakers need to make a law that makes it mandatory for companies to have an HR. Bad workers feel empowered in organizations that don’t have a department that keeps a check on them.


Via u/imonvacaaation

6. These words tend to hit a bit differently especially to men.


Via u/imonvacaaation

7. The plan was to turn the stereotype around as normally women are associated with the words “emotional” and “tantruming”.

Via u/imonvacaaation

8. The softest of words are often the most poisonous.


Via u/imonvacaaation

9. She really is killing Jay with kindness. I love this route.

Via u/imonvacaaation

10. It is going to get to him. Eventually, he is going to feel it.


Via u/imonvacaaation

11. The new strategy is slowly being picked up by other workers.

Via u/imonvacaaation

12. A right hook in the face…but softer.


Via u/imonvacaaation

13. Looks like the strategy is working in OP’s way.

Via u/imonvacaaation

14. Wow, a reduction in yelling was also noticed.


Via u/imonvacaaation

15. He finally asked the big question.

Via u/imonvacaaation

16. He really couldn’t deal with the answer.


Via u/imonvacaaation

17. She had to take matters into her own hands because there was no official institution to do it for her.

Via u/imonvacaaation

I don’t think OP was an AH in this case at all. She responded that she did not start anything. That male worker was the one who would through shades, tantrums, and rude comments and would always support the whole “male-dominance” culture. OP, after realizing, that complaining wasn’t an option to deal with such a person who is clearly targeting women in the workplace, decided to switch things on him and literally used every single stereotypical term against him that is normally associated with women. And it fully worked. If that guy didn’t like being called emotional, who gives him the authority to call other people that?

Good job, OP! You put that employee into his rightful place

Here’s what the community members voted and why:

18. He always had the option to control his anger.


Via u/imonvacaaation

19. Exactly! He got given a taste of his own medicine.

Via u/imonvacaaation

20. Patriarchy needs to be battled out of this planet.


Via u/imonvacaaation

21. That male coworker got perfectly dealt with.

Via u/imonvacaaation

22. Just a different term that basically meant the same thing and the results were completely different.


Via u/imonvacaaation

23. Anger is an emotion and OP was rightfully calling that male employee out for it.

Via u/imonvacaaation

What do you guys think? Was OP right or wrong for dealing with the coworker the way she did? Do share your votes and thoughts in the comments section down below. I hope you guys enjoyed this one.

Stay tuned for more workplace dramas.


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