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Woman Calls Police On Neighbor For Not Walking Their Dog And Letting It Shit On Their Patio

Having nosy neighbors can really be a pain in the butt.

The biggest problem in history problems is bad neighbors. I really don’t understand why and how neighbors feel they are entitled to intervene in other people’s business. How hard it is to keep your head down, mind your own business, and just walk straight? Apparently not for these terrible neighbors. These neighbors will always manage to find a way to get on your nerve, for instance, they will park in front of your driveway for no reason, they will tell you on your face they don’t like the music you listen to, and the list goes on. They just need to be taught that this behavior is not acceptable and it leads to their own destruction and nothing else. These people have no regard for privacy and would break your boundaries like they are authorized to do so.


In today’s story, we have a very nosy neighbor who did everything in their power to control her fellow neighbors but unfortunately, things just didn’t work out too well. She had a complaint about how her neighbor didn’t manage their dog right. She had a problem with how they wouldn’t walk the dog out for it to pee and poop and instead would just put pads on the patio for it to do all that stuff. And that’s not all, she ended up calling the police on her neighbor just because of this.

Let’s read through OP’s version and decide if she was right for calling the police on her neighbor or not. Scroll down below to enjoy!

1. Woman decided to ask the sacred community “Am I The A**hole?” to ask if she was wrong for calling the police on her neighbor for not managing their dog.


Via u/No-Abalone4276

2. She starts off by introducing us to her neighbors next door who had recently stopped walking their dog and had started putting pats on the patio for it to get the waste out.


Via u/No-Abalone4276

3. She complained to the owners of the dog directly that they were taking an easy way by using the pads and insisted on walking the dog.


Via u/No-Abalone4276

4. If they do clean up the patio and take the dog on walks at night as well, then OP’s complaints are really foul.


Via u/No-Abalone4276

5. This woman ended up calling the police on her neighbors and it totally backfired.


Via u/No-Abalone4276

6. Turns out there’s a lot this crazy woman didn’t know about and decided to take matters into her own hands without any investigation.


Via u/No-Abalone4276

7. Of course they were going to be. You just called the police on someone who didn’t commit any crime.

Via u/No-Abalone4276

I cannot believe this woman’s mindset. I really cannot get over the fact that she called the police on this matter. One should never jump the gun before having all information. Firstly, having your dog poop on the patio is not a crime and on top of that, the owners clean the patio twice a day. And secondly, the girl was pregnant and that is why she couldn’t take her dog out for walks. But that didn’t mean the dog wasn’t being taken out for walks for 2 months, the boyfriend would take the pup out every night. OP was wrong at every stage in this story and I would definitely say YTA for this one.

Here’s what the internet voted and why:

8. I hope she will learn not to be nosy again.


Via u/No-Abalone4276

9. What her neighbors were doing didn’t impact her living space at all so what they do shouldn’t concern her.

Via u/No-Abalone4276

10. She wanted a second opinion.


Via u/No-Abalone4276

11. Yes, this is 911. That is none of your business.

Via u/No-Abalone4276

12. It really was a crazy move to call the police.


Via u/No-Abalone4276

13. It would be the most liked post in Reddit history.

Via u/No-Abalone4276

14. But this woman without brain cells thought it was a police matter.


Via u/No-Abalone4276

15. Absurdness taken to a new level.

Via u/No-Abalone4276

I hope you guys enjoyed this one. What do you guys think about this woman? Share your vote in the comments section down below and please don’t hold back.

Stay tuned for more.


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