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Guy Doesn’t Want To Visit His Parent’s House While His Sister’s Dog Is There Because Of Dog Hair In His Food

Who doesn’t love dogs?

This statement is something that a lot of people say and it is usually true. However, there are a lot of people who aren’t big fans when it comes to dogs. Whether it is because of phobias or something else, dogs aren’t for everyone. Even I sued to be terrified of dogs and I still am to some extent, especially if the dog isn’t leashed or is a stray. While I may have gotten over my fear, not everybody can or wants to and that is perfectly fine.


That is exactly what this particular story is all about. This guy doesn’t like dogs and I would even go as far as to say that he hates dogs. And he doesn’t want to be near any sort of dog but that has become a problem since his sister adopted a dog and she insists on bringing her dog to their parent’s house. he tried to endure it at first but it went too far when he found dog hair in his food. I mean, I would be disgusted as well if I found dog hair in my food so this is not surprising.

You can read the whole story by scrolling below.

Source: Reddit

The title sounds quite extreme and it is true.


From the sound of it, he isn’t used to having animals around him.


But his sister recently got a dog and she loves him dearly.


He tried tolerating everything in silence but it just didn’t work out.


I can understand where he is coming from. After all, not everyone likes animals and there is nothing wrong with that. However, he clearly went about it the wrong way. Rather than posing an ultimatum, he could have tried talking it out. He could have voiced his concerns with the family rather than going to the extreme. And it also seems like he has some sort of a phobia rather than a simple dislike for dogs.

People in the comments had a lot of varying opinions on this situation.


Not everyone is okay with animal hair floating around their house.


I got my cat shaved and I still find hair in my house at times.

He could have tried dealing with it in a better way.


But I can also understand that he isn’t comfortable.

I can only hope that he finds a solution.


Some people did come to his defense.

While others advised him to get outside help for his phobia.


Whatever he chooses to do.

W can only hope that this doesn’t cause a rift between the family.


What are your thoughts on this? Do you think he should have been more understanding? Or can you empathize with his situation? Comment down below and let us know. Also, don’t forget to share this story with others so we can hear their opinion as well.


What do you think?