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Woman Gets Her Car Towed Since She Won’t Stop Parking In Someone Else’s Spot

Finding a spot to park is not easy.

We have all been through those moments where you are in a hurry and need to get something from the store before you get going to work but you can’t manage to find a parking spot. And even if you do, it might be too expensive and not free. While a lot of places aren’t free parking, there are a few places that are free so people usually tend to park there first before anyone gets the chance. This means that others are left wandering around trying to find a place to park their car.


And while I understand that having to deal with paid parking while you are low on funds can be a hassle, it really isn’t anyone else’s problem. I am not saying that one has to be selfish but what I am saying is that you can’t expect everyone else to bend over backward for you. That is what this woman expected from her ex-neighbor though and in return, she got what she deserved. It might sound harsh but there was nothing else the poster of this story could do other than let this woman walk all over her.

You can read the whole story for yourself by scrolling below.

Source: Reddit

So the story starts off with some background information about her apartment complex.


Her neighbor had moved out but she was still parking in the same spot.


She let it go at first but it got out of hand when she continued to do it even after saying that she wouldn’t.


So the poster of this story called a tow truck and her car was gone.


As you can imagine, the woman was furious since she didn’t have enough money to get her car back from the company.


We also get a bit more additional information that helped the commenters form an opinion.


It is hard not to feel sorry for the woman but at the end of the day, it was all her fault. If she had just been careful, none of this would have happened. She really did bring this on herself. Not only did she lie but she also bit on more than she can chew. There was nothing else this woman could have done and she was pregnant so in my opinion, she did the right thing. If she hadn’t called the tow truck, the woman would have kept parking in her spot.

Most if not all of the people were on her side.

And a lot of the commenters called out the woman for bringing this onto herself.


She really did expect a lot from her ex-neighbor.

What she was doing was illegal and she dealt with the repercussions.


And it is not as if the poster hadn’t talked to her beforehand.

Although, I do think she has suffered enough.


She shouldn’t have parked there from the get-go.

This Redditor explains everything perfectly.


What would you have done in this particular situation? Would you have tried to talk to her again or would you have told the landlord about this issue first? Who do you think is in the right in this situation? Comment down below and let us know. Also, don’t forget to share this story with your friends so they can join in the discussion as well.


What do you think?