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Family On Plane Doesn’t Let Passenger With Diabetes Eat, Passenger Tells Them To Fly Private Then

Can a stranger tell another stranger how to live their life?

The answer is, absolutely no! No one has the right or the authority to boss your life. I think that only works when you are a parent and your children are your dependants but that still does not mean you can control them and expect to order them around.


This matter has become a major problem on flights. A party, for their own comfort, wouldn’t want the other party to do something. Things just don’t work that way. I think that is why see so many people on flights wear headphones or earmuffs as soon as they take their seat so no one can interrupt them and even if someone interrupts, you can swiftly ignore their existence.

In today’s story, this person had to fly with a terrible person. OP had Type 1 Diabetes and had to eat something before the air hostess made an official announcement and served snacks. They took their food out and just when they started eating, one of the family members asked them not to do it because their little one had a problem and would feel bad. OP stopped eating out of respect and waited for the hostess to serve the snacks. When they were going to grab the snacks, a family member again spoke and told the air hostess the row doesn’t need anything. This infuriated OP who then called the air hostess back and got his snacks. This resulted in the mother of the family giving OP a lecture but he didn’t have any of it.

Scroll down below to read how it went down.

1. OP had an experience of flying with a horrible family.


Via u/illfuckineatyoutoo

2. OP had diabetes so they started eating some food which was not received well by the family.


Via u/illfuckineatyoutoo

3. OP out of respect stopped eating.


Via u/illfuckineatyoutoo

4. When the flight attendant came with the snacks and drinks, OP wanted to grab some the father of the family had the liberty to say no one wants anything.


Via u/illfuckineatyoutoo

5. OP at this point required food in his belly so they called the attendant back to get the snacks. And of course, that was considered an evil act by the family.


Via u/illfuckineatyoutoo

6. OP had had enough and gave a solid response to all the drama the family had been creating for him throughout the flight.


Via u/illfuckineatyoutoo

7. They finally get their food and chug it down. The mother made yet another attempt to annoy OP.

Via u/illfuckineatyoutoo

8. And she gets slapped right back once again.


Via u/illfuckineatyoutoo

9. OP had to eat because of their condition and they were not going to get themself hospitalized because a family didn’t want them to eat in front of their kid.

Via u/illfuckineatyoutoo

10. OP’s friend told them they didn’t do the right thing so they presented their matter before the AITA community members to know if they were right or wrong?


Via u/illfuckineatyoutoo

I don’t think OP was the AH in this case. If the little kid had a problem, OP had a problem as well. You cannot declare one medical condition worse compared to the other just because a child has it. Had OP not eaten their food within time, they would’ve started having medical issues, maybe to the point the airplane might’ve had to call in an emergency and even turn the flight around for safe measures. So yes, please don’t tell anyone what they can or cannot do because you don’t know the back story. Once again, the family was the AH and the suggestion of flying private was such a great comeback, you have to give it to OP for that one.

Here’s what the internet had to say on this air drama:

11. OP was too patient, no other person would’ve faced the family’s sh*t for that long because not eating in time could result in a life-threatening situation.

Via u/illfuckineatyoutoo

12. Even if OP didn’t have diabetes, no one has the authority to control what they do.


Via u/illfuckineatyoutoo

13. Entitlement is a crazy disease.

Via u/illfuckineatyoutoo

14. I would punch such a stranger so hard.


Via u/illfuckineatyoutoo

15. The son was the family’s problem. They really should’ve booked a private jet.


Via u/illfuckineatyoutoo

I really hope you guys enjoyed this one. Share your votes and thoughts in the comments section down below.

Stay tuned for more stories.


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