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Entitled Woman Asks If She Is In The Wrong For Asking Her Sister To Babysit Her Kids

It is always good to help your family.

Even if they are only half-siblings, family takes care of family. And that is what we are going to be focusing on today. As this woman claims that she has allowed her half-sister to live with her rent-free and only asks her to do all the chores and babysit her kids in return. She apparently thinks that her sister should be appreciative of this selfless act. Now don’t get me wrong, I understand that allowing to let someone live in your house rent-free is a big ask.


But I will not say that her half-sister is not appreciative of this at all. After all, she does help around with all the chores and also babysits her kids. I don’t know about you but I think she pays all that is due so I wouldn’t say that she is living rent-free. After all, isn’t working around the house considered an alternative to rent? And while there is nothing wrong with asking your family member for these things, it is wrong for someone to expect their half-sister to be at her beck-and-call.

You can see what I am talking about by scrolling below and reading the whole story for yourself.

Source: Reddit

We start the story off with an incredibly detailed title.


We get some information about the agreement they had.


And then we get into the main problem.


They can take their children with them so they need a babysitter.


Their babysitter canceled last minute and that is why they asked her to take care of it.


And she has given a valid reason for why she can’t help them but they keep reminding her of their agreement.


I understand that it is incredibly hard to find a babysitter last minute but this isn’t the way. It isn’t wrong to ask her half-sister to cover her but it isn’t as if she is going to be out partying or anything. She wants to help but she is going to be busy with her exam so I think that is a valid reason. And the idea of paying for a cab isn’t a bad idea but she should be the one paying for the far not asking her half-sister to cover the costs. After all, it is her emergency and not the other way around.

People in the comments were not at her side at all.

Most of them called her out for being entitled.


And it has nothing to do with the agreement.

If they want her to babysit their kids, they should pay the cab fare.


It is not a big deal and they are asking her to cover the costs which are absurd in my opinion.

This detailed comment explains everything perfectly and puts things in perspective.


We all need a palate cleanser after that. So it is time for cat tax!


I don’t know about you but all I can look at are the adorable paws. I really want to cuddle with this kitty.

What are your thoughts on this story? Do you think that the commenters are being too harsh on her? Or is she being way too entitled? What would you do if someone treated you this way? Comment down below and let us know. Also, don’t forget to share this story with your friends so they can join in the discussion as well.


What do you think?