Humans require fundamental skills in order to survive.
People used to believe that women should stay in the kitchen and do all of the household chores while the men went out to hunt or work. However, that is no longer how the world works. People are employed regardless of gender. Even if they don’t work, humans require basic skills to survive, which include knowing how to cook, clean, and wash dishes. These types of tasks should not be limited to one gender because that is an outdated way of thinking, and it is impossible to survive if you don’t know what you’re doing. However, some boys are not used to this at all because their mothers coddled them, and they believe their wives will do the same for them, creating an endless cycle.
There is nothing wrong with staying at home and caring for your children, regardless of gender, but many people don’t realise this. There is a stigma attached to men who choose to be stay-at-home fathers that should not exist in the first place. In today’s world, whoever can make the most money should go out and do the work. That is, to some extent, the main issue in this story. OP’s brother, you see, is clearly not used to staying at home and doing all the chores. And, while I understand that it can be difficult at first, it is critical to adjust to the change and do the best you can with what you are given. However, he is clearly incapable of doing so, and the poster of this story is dissatisfied with her brother.
You can see for yourself by scrolling down.
Source: Reddit
To fully understand, we need to read about what his wife actually did.
This story is from the perspective of the sister and she truly cares for her family.
However, that doesn’t mean she is going to go easy on her brother.
From the looks of it, he doesn’t know what he is doing at all.
Source: Reddit
So his sister laid down the law for him and was pretty blunt.
However, he didn’t appreciate it all.
We also got an update which tells us that things were worse than they first appeared.
Source: Reddit
I can try to understand his point of view because he may be dealing with mental health issues, which can be difficult to manage. He may also be dealing with feelings of incompetence, which can have a negative impact on your mental health, but that is no excuse when it comes to caring for your children. His wife clearly tried her hardest when she was the one who stayed at home, and he doesn’t appear to be trying as hard.
Now, I’m not saying it’s easy to take care of a house, but as someone who had to learn to take full responsibility for a house while also studying and working, I can tell you it’s doable if you try hard enough. As the OP stated, he needs to get his sh*t together or his marriage will fail. After all, no one wants to remain married to someone who does not share half of the responsibilities in a relationship.
As this person said, it is hard but not impossible.
OP was also quick to respond giving us more details about the situation.
She could have been kinder about it but what she said wasn’t wrong.
It is different for everyone but he is taking it too easy.
He does sound a bit incompetent, sadly.
However, it seems he still has time to spend on his hobbies.
Doing housework has nothing to do with gender.
They are perfectly capable, they just don’t want to.
Source: Reddit
What are your thoughts on the subject? Do you think we should give him some wiggle room because he may be dealing with a lot? Or do you believe he needs to step up? Have you ever been in a situation like this before? If so, how would you handle it? Please let us know in the comments section below. Also, don’t forget to share this story with your friends so that they can share their own experiences.
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