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35 Pickup Lines From Men Wearing Fedora Hats That Made Us Cringe

Technology has made it relatively easy to connect with human beings.

You can easily talk to someone on the other side of the world without even a second delay. We might be used to this but just thinking about it really does put things in perspective. However, the Internet is not all rainbows and unicorns. As this ease of communication also means that weirdos can now message you anonymously. And that is what we are going to be focusing on today.


I am sure you have heard of the infamous fedora-wearing Nice Guys who think that being nice is a personality trait and will call you insulting names the moment you reject them or heaven forbid if you do not answer them within a few seconds. Most girls out there have dealt with these guys but it never gets any less creepy. So today we are going to showcase some of the weirdest pickup lines ever uttered from the mouths of Incels.

And if you do not know what an Incel is, consider yourself lucky. So just scroll below to take a look for yourself and get ready for a lot of cringe.

Source: Twitter

#1 Anything would be better than ever having to talk to this guy. I would 100% choose garlic bread over him.

#2 Does he not see the irony of the statement he just uttered?


#3 Nobody is safe from creepy people, not even famous actors.


#4 What can I even say to this? This is one way to reveal that you are a necrophiliac.


#5 So now it is the other person’s fault that you relieved yourself by looking at his picture?


#6 Things were going well but he just had to ruin it by opening his mouth.


On the other hand, I am glad he did it so this person can run as far away from this guy as possible.

#7 This is how you answer this question.


#8 I think I was just a tiny bit sick in my mouth.


#9 And then they complain that no women talks to them.


#10 That ambulance sure was fast if all of this happened within 20 minutes.


#11 Is it so hard to say ‘Hello, How are you doing?’ It might be boring but it is better than dark waifu.

#12 I don’t think I can read after the first line.


#13 This is how you don’t compliment a person.

#14 The stupidity is evident in this one.


#15 Is he talking about himself?

#16 This is why we need a fake name for online interactions.


#17 It might be time to look at yourself in the mirror and realize that you are not as nice as you think.

#18 She has him there.


#19 Maybe wait a bit before you shoot your shot?

#20 The irony of the shadow wearing a trilby is not lost on me.


#21 *Sighs* This is going to be a long one.

See how annoying that was?

#22 No, just no.


#23 Has this ever actually worked?

#24 Someone isn’t getting any matches by the looks of his response.

I wonder why.

#25 If someone is so nervous while talking to me that they pee, that is not a good way to start a conversation.

#26 I wonder why he didn’t get a response to his eloquent statement.

#27 I am not at all surprised that he thinks he is too nice.


#28 Breaking News, Women are not objects. I know, surprising right?

#29 I don’t even want to search up what an oofmie is.


#30 Can any of these people act like normal human beings?

#31 Nice Guys are racist as well, who saw that coming?

#32 Nothing fazes me anymore.


#33 Atleast he didn’t ask for a sandwich.

#34 Well, he is self-aware so he has that going for him.

#35 This is not what I was expecting.


#36 My only question is why?

#37 Wow, just wow.

#38 Who keeps a picture like that in their gallery?


#39 He has clearly never been outside.

What did you think of these conversations? Did you have a chill running down your back throughout this list or are you immune from all this weirdness? What is the creepiest pickup line you have ever heard from a person? Let us know in the comments down below and don’t forget to share these conversations with your friends so they can join in with their experiences as well.


What do you think?