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Customer Read The Price Of Burger Wrong And Screamed At Cashier For Putting Wrong Prices

Cheeseburgers Drama

I have a special level of hatred developed in my heart for those people who yell at another person for making a mistake not realizing they themselves are the ones who are mistaken. I swear, it infuriates me that they don’t even try to double-check beforr going right off at that person and not stopping until their confidence literally shatters into a million pieces. These people have to be shown the way by a third person. The realization then shocks them to their core and they forget how to continue on with life.


Something similar happened in the story we have got for you guys today. Reddit user u/Lijey_Cat was shopping for some snacks at a gas station when she overheard a middle-aged guy yelling at the cashier. The guy was upset about being lied to by the advertisement that said 2 burgers for $2 but he was being charged more. What the guy didn’t notice was that the price tag was for the plain chicken burgers and not the cheeseburgers with bacon that he wanted. The guy almost made the cashier cry because of his own mistake.

OP decided to step in, grabbed all the available burgers and sandwiches from the hot food section, and purchased them. The guy was left in shock as he could only ask what was OP going to do with all those burgers. She said she was a vegetarian so she will give them away to homeless people.

Scroll down below to read how it all went down!

1. It feels nice to have a male version of a Karen in such stories every now and then…who am I kidding, all Karens are terrible.


Via u/Lijey_Cat

2. OP works the second shift so she got free at 10 p.m. and went to a gas station to grab something to eat.


Via u/Lijey_Cat

3. While grabbing her junk food, OP overheard an angry male Karen shouting at the cashier about a certain burger being advertised as 2 for $2.


Via u/Lijey_Cat

4. The cashier was a young girl and was about to cry for being yelled at so loudly by the male Karen.


Via u/Lijey_Cat

5. OP felt bad because she related to the cashier’s situation. So she made her way to the hot food section and noticed there were 8 burgers left in stock.


Via u/Lijey_Cat

6. The sign that said “two for $2” was meant for the plain chicken sandwiches and not the cheeseburgers male Karen wanted.


Via u/Lijey_Cat

7. The specialty burger he wanted for $1 each actually cost $3 each because of the difference of meat as well as bacon in it, and male Karen didn’t understand that.

Via u/Lijey_Cat

8. OP instantly thought of a plan and proceeded to the counter after grabbing all the meat sandwiches available.


Via u/Lijey_Cat

9. As OP approached the counter, the male Karen felt delighted and asked her to let the cashier know about the sign and how she is so dumb to not understand it.

Via u/Lijey_Cat

10. OP simply asked the male Karen to move out of her way and started talking to the cashier, telling her she is about to purchase all the remaining hot food.


Via u/Lijey_Cat

11. The cashier started punching OP’s bill in and the male Karen couldn’t believe what had just happened.

Via u/Lijey_Cat

12. Now that one must have pinched Mr. Karen standing with his mouth open behind OP.


Via u/Lijey_Cat

I absolutely love OP. This was such a cool move. Surely the look on the guy’s face would’ve been priceless, I cannot wait to read that part. When will people learn entitlement is never the solution, it only makes the matters worse for you? Maybe had the guy been kind to the cashier, he could have ended up with a discount. It happens, I have seen it happen. But no, he just had to be rude and the entire basis of his rudeness was a mistake that he, himself, made.

Let’s see what happened next. Scroll down below to continue reading!

13. OP keeps the cashier engaged to calm her down and make her feel better until the bill came up. OP paid and got her stuff bagged up.

Via u/Lijey_Cat

14. Male Karen turned into a crybaby asking OP what she would be doing with all those burgers.


Via u/Lijey_Cat

15. OP assured male Karen that she did not work at the gas station and shared she would be distributing all the food among homeless people.

Via u/Lijey_Cat

16. OP thanked the cashier and left as the male Karen kept swearing at her…fully ignoring him.


Via u/Lijey_Cat

17. That is a tale to tell to your grandchildren, OP.

Via u/Lijey_Cat

Here are some of the comments shared on the story:

18. OP won hearts.


Via Marie-Demon

19. The male Karen k*lled our faith in people, OP restored it.

Via DragonNeil

20. That would have ended his already ended self…if that makes any sense.


Via FingersMahoney

21. OP became a hero twice, first by showing the male Karen his rightful spot in the community, and second by feeding the homeless.

Via Interesting_Pea_5382

22. His inflated ego had covered his ears.


Via Contrantier

I really hope you guys enjoyed this one. Don’t forget to share your thoughts in the comments section below.

Stay tuned for more stories!

Via sidshembekar

Dog tax.

“I guess I’m a towel now.”


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