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Woman Rants After Seeing A Teen Mom Breastfeeding Her Child

Breastfeeding Public

After giving birth, due to a natural process in the woman’s body known as lactation, milk gets produced in her body which is fed to the newborn baby through the mother’s breasts. That milk is powerful as it is all the baby requires for the first four months to develop themselves entirely and grow healthy. Not giving that milk to your baby would be dangerous because you cannot feed it anything else, it would be simply unfair. So when the infant is hungry, a mother should breastfeed it instantly to fill the tummy up and make it happy and smiling.


Unfortunately, when this teen mother tried breastfeeding her baby, in today’s story, she got called out for it. Reddit user u/LyteRay1943 shared her friend got pregnant and gave birth at an early age. She had been an extremely responsible mother. One day OP along with some other friends, including the teen mother went to a  Chinese restaurant. The owner allowed mothers to breastfeed their children. While the friends were waiting for food, the baby started crying because he was hungry so the teen mom covered herself up and started breastfeeding him. Everyone was chill about it except this one entitled woman who was at the restaurant with her son. She went off on OP’s friend for doing a disgusting thing. That she was wrong to breastfeed a baby in public.

Scroll down below to read the story!

1. I didn’t know there were slabs within mothers regarding who can feed her baby and who can not. This will be fun!


Via u/LyteRay1943

2. During high school days, OP’s close friend got pregnant and became a teen mom.


Via u/LyteRay1943

3. Because the new mom wouldn’t come to school physically anymore, OP and the other friends would meet up with her frequently at food places.


Via u/LyteRay1943

4. This time they were at a Chinese restaurant that allowed mothers to breastfeed their babies. That’s what the friend liked doing as well.


Via u/LyteRay1943

5. While the group was waiting for their food, the friend started breastfeeding her son. She made sure to cover herself up completely before doing it.


Via u/LyteRay1943

6. That is when a woman, with her kid, showed up.


Via u/LyteRay1943

8. OP knew the kid so he approached OP and they started talking.

Via u/LyteRay1943

9. The mother then suddenly decided to show her disgust over what the teen mom was doing. She said it was not okay for her to breastfeed that baby in public. She also questioned why was such a young girl feeding a baby anyway…


Via u/LyteRay1943

What else do you expect her to do woman? Let her child cry because of hunger? Then the noise of that baby would’ve annoyed you. In any situation, this entitled mother would have complained. It is in their blood. Also, why was she so shocked to see that a teen mother is feeding a baby? She is a woman, for god’s sake. She can get pregnant too.

I swear I can’t with these entitled people. They are so full of themselves. Let’s see what happened next. Scroll down below to continue reading!

10. OP responded to inform the woman that the restaurant’s owner allowed it…

Via u/LyteRay1943

11. Mrs. L, the owner, was watching it all happen.


Via u/LyteRay1943

12. The entitled mother kept insisting OP’s friend stop feeding her baby and that is when Mrs. L decided to take action.

Via u/LyteRay1943

13. Mrs. L, you are a queen.


Via u/LyteRay1943

14. The entitled mother was left quiet. The friends grabbed the food and left. Mrs. L also gave them a freebie. It was a win.

Via u/LyteRay1943

15. Awe, poor kid! I feel bad because he is under such a terrible influence. I hope his mother doesn’t ruin his future.


Via u/LyteRay1943

Here’s what the internet had to say about this:

16. That really was funny.

Via funnyunicorns123

17. Their English may be broken but because their facial expressions are so freaking serious, you just cannot laugh.


Via Lbohnrn

18. What part of this was not understandable for the entitled mother? All of it because she didn’t have a brain

Via Leifang666

19. Why was she at the restaurant with her hungry kid then?


Via TheFunbag

I really hope you guys enjoyed this one. Don’t forget to share your thoughts in the comments section below.

Stay tuned for more stories!

Via warlord_chick

Cat tax.

“Woke up to this cute face this morning.”


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