Any person who does anything that makes you feel uncomfortable counts as them hara*sing you, and it is in no way acceptable. Hras*ement is something that should be immediately reported and no person, whether a man or a woman, should silence themselves on the issue. That’s because they deserve justice, and their speaking about it will save make others aware and potentially save some lives.
One form of hara*sement is sexual hara*sment, which is to make the victim feel uncomfortable trying to seek s*xual desires from them. Reddit user u/flyting1881 shared a story about a case of s*xual hara*sment that took place in her school. OP teaches the 8th grade and one time a female student came up to her and shared that a male student in their class has been s*xually hara*sing her. She shared the text messages he had sent her as well. OP decided to observe the student herself and she saw it happen as well so she reported the matter to admin and guidance.
The male student’s entitled mother showed up at the school without notice to meet with OP face-to-face to discuss the matter. Her sole objective to have that meeting was to convince OP to lie that she witnessed her son s*xually hara*sing the female student, ultimately trying to protect her son from getting expelled. But OP did not move one bit. She told the mother her decision of the committee will be shared with her after the investigation is done and made her leave.
The investigation results came against the male student as it was found that he had been hara*sing more girls than just the one who reported the case. Scroll down below to read the story!
Source: u/flyting1881
1. Lie about such a thing? I don’t think so.
2. The teacher shared that one of her female students came up to her and told her that a male student in the class has been s*xually hara*sing her.
3. She even showed evidence. Despite her telling him to stop doing it to her, he wouldn’t stop.
4. The female student made a special request to OP to help keep her hara*ser as away as possible from her.
5. OP decided to keep an eye on both students and monitor their movements closely to see if what the girl said is true or not…only then she could move forward to file a report for investigation.
6. And he was seen by OP fully doing it.
7. OP filed a report and informed the parents of both students.
8. The male student’s mother couldn’t be reached when OP contacted both families so she left her a voicemail.
9. Next day, the male student’s mother showed up at the school.
10. The mother asked for a face-to-face conversation with OP to know what had happened. OP agreed.
11. OP updated the mother on the whole situation.
12. She initially denied it all and wanted more details. She wanted to know what exactly did her son say.
13. So OP told her exactly what her son said about the girl to his friend.
14. She blamed his licking his lips on his lips being chapped. Basically, she was denying everything being said by OP about the male student.
This woman is literally trying to protect a s*xual hara*ser. She does not want that he gets taught a solid lesson so he never does such a thing again, instead, she wants that her son turns into a fully evolved predator who takes it up from sharing his s*xual desires for girls with his friends to actually r*ping those girls. And if the mother tries stopping him when that happens, I don’t think she will be able to. It would be too late.
Let’s see what happened next. Scroll down below to continue reading!
Source: u/flyting1881
15. OP told the mother the matter has been reported and she will be informed about the outcome of the investigation once it is complete.
16. The mom complained about why was everything communicated to the admin department. Said it would ruin her son’s life.
17. OP regretted her decision of agreeing to a face-to-face talk as the mother began getting worked up and OP had a lecture to take soon.
18. OP told the mother if she has further issues she may contact the principal.
19. The mother ignored the offer, instead, she told OP to lie to the admin about her witnessing her son hara*sing the female student to wind up the case.
20. OP refused and said the investigation will be done based on truth only.
21. She went on for some more time eventually leaving the meeting without any success.
22. Hard evidence was found against the male student for not just hara*sing the girl who spoke up, but 2 girls other than her too. He got expelled from the school.
Source: u/flyting1881
Here’s what the internet had to say about this:
23. I wonder if she will still try to cover up for her son when that happens.
Via toothextractions
24. A public announcement should be made in the school about this so all the girls can know that yes there was a predator in the school but they are safe now.
Via MusenUse_KC21
25. A 13-year-old engaging in such stuff means he has to be transferred to a mental care facility. There is something wrong with him.
Via CappyWeeb
26. He wouldn’t have done had you done a better job. I hate such people.
Via n3tbax
27. Her bubble of ego was way too huge.
Via laikewag
I really hope you guys enjoyed this one. Don’t forget to share your thoughts in the comments section below.
Stay tuned for more stories!
Via sollysocksify
Cat tax.
“We took my cat to the beach and there happened to be a professional dancer having a photo shoot.”
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