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Choosing Beggar Sister Denies Kids Vacation Because She Can’t Go


Entitled people are utterly shameless.

I’m always astounded by how entitled people act. To be fair, there is a lot of overlap between choosing beggars and entitled people, and this story falls right in the middle of that. I’m sure we’ve all met people who believe they deserve everything, especially when it comes to their family. It is basically pointless to try to persuade them to see their heinous behaviour. If someone invited me out on their dime, I would be embarrassed, and if I couldn’t pay my half, I would be less likely to accept. However, the sister mentioned in this story is not only fine with acting in this manner, but she is also fine with depriving her children of a fun time.


People like these, in my opinion, should not have children. Because they either become overly entitled, believing that their children are perfect and everyone else is wrong, or they use their children to appear more victimised in order to obtain more free things. I’m sure we’ve all heard coworkers who go on and on about how difficult having children is and how you’ll never understand them, only to turn around and put you down for not having children in the first place. This particular sister, on the other hand, has no empathy for anyone, not her cancer-stricken mother or her own children.

You will see what I am talking about once you scroll below.

Source: Reddit

I am sure we can tell what kind of person the sister is from the title.


It is admirable to want to take care of your sick parents.


However, that is not what they wanted in the first place.


Sadly the cancer did not go into remission so the mother decided to go on vacation.


But the sister wasn’t okay with this and wanted to go as well.


She got annoyed when she denied it and stopped her kids from going as well.


While the story ended there we get a few more words from OP.

She also explained how the will is split so there would be no issue in the future.


Is she unaware of how heinous her behaviour is? She’s not going to pay for any of this. It is clear that she moved in solely to obtain free housing and not to care for her mother. As the OP mentioned, their mother has been under a lot of stress as a result of this situation, and the choosing beggar sister either doesn’t see or doesn’t care. I’d go with the latter. And to go so far as to deny her children fun is really low. If the parents hadn’t been so nice, they could have made it clear that she was the one from whom they needed a vacation in the first place.

People in the comments were quite sympathetic towards the mother.

It really is quite sad.


This may sound harsh but it might as well be the truth.

She makes people who actually take care of a sick person look bad.


Some people think the world revolves around them.

This sounds bad but something that unfortunately happens a lot.


Dealing with narcissistic people is never a nice time.

It never hurts to have less stress in your life.


What do you think about this story? Have you ever dealt with a picky beggar like this one? Are they a member of your family, if so? Let us know in the comments, and don’t forget to share this article with your friends so they can share their own experiences.


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