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Employee Gets Her Manager Fired For Talking Down To Her And Being Condescending


Managers need to be taken down a notch.

It may appear that the internet is always hating on people in managerial positions, but this would not be the case if there weren’t so many entitled people in higher positions, making employees’ lives a living hell. I am sure that this is not the case in every company, but looking at the turnover rate can tell you pretty quickly if a company has a toxic work environment. It is not a perfect science, but it can provide a general idea. After all, while a bad work environment may not appear to be a big deal and you can always ignore it, it can wreak havoc on your mental health.


This appears to be true in this story as well. This story’s poster worked in a call centre. And anyone who has ever worked in a call centre knows how unpleasant the job can be. Dealing with rude customers is basically part of the job, and having to deal with a toxic manager on top of that makes things even more difficult. But that’s exactly what this employee had to do when Amy, a manager, set her sights on OP.

You can read the rest of the story by scrolling below.

Source: Reddit

The title says it all but the story is more juicy.


However, before that, we need to understand what her job was.


Amy apparently always had a bone to pick with her.


And OP was already dealing with a lot so she snapped at the customer.


Source: Reddit

So she was about to get fired but she revealed the reason behind her outburst.


This did not placate Amy and she was hellbent on insulting OP.


Things didn’t get better at all when they started working from home either.

And it seemed like Amy was trying to find a way to get OP fired.


So OP decided to quit but not before telling everyone the reason behind it.

She thankfully never went back there either.


Source: Reddit

I thought the HR department was supposed to be present to prevent incidents like this from occurring in the first place. However, I am not surprised that someone from HR was the source of the problems. It is quite common to see entitled people in HR who believe that bossing everyone around is part of their job description. And, while I am relieved that the woman was fired, I am delighted that the OP did not return. Some may criticise her for doing so because the manager had already been fired, but working at a call centre is demanding, so I don’t blame her for prioritising her mental health.

People however were a bit confused as to why she left the job.

But OP was quick to answer.


However, there were also a few people who didn’t like OP either.

At the end of the day, we only know OP’s side of the story.


Whether this story is true or not, these things happen a lot.

Source: Reddit

Have you ever been in a situation like this before? If so, did you directly complain about the entitled employee, or did you leave the company quietly and without a fuss? Let us know in the comments section below, and don’t forget to share this story with your friends so they can join in with their own stories.


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