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Landlord Gives A Three Months Notice To Her Tenants Of 15 Years For Not Paying Rent, Drama Ensues


Landlords have a bad reputation.

When you think of a landlord, you think of someone who comes to your house unannounced, never listens to your complaints, raises rent even during bad economic times, and kicks you out whenever they want. That is, at least, the image that most people have in their heads. However, not every landlord is like this, and there are many people who care about their tenants and recognise that they are human beings as well. On the other hand, there are plenty of terrible tenants whose only job seems to be to wreck the house they rent and leave it worse for wear. And if you want a story with a clear bad guy, this is not the one.


Surprisingly, this story is far more complicated than it appears at first glance. In this story, the landlord appears to be a nice enough person who has tried to be as understanding of her tenants as possible, at least in her own words. Her tenants have also lived in her house for 15 years, so you’d think things were cordial between them. That was until the protagonist of the story decided to evict her tenants. I’m not going to say she’s wrong for doing this because it’s her house, but the tenants seem to think so and are apparently quite upset with her.

You can read the entire story by scrolling down.

Source: Reddit

This is going to be a doozy so strap in.


But first, we need to understand some background information to get the whole picture.


According to OP, the tenants are lovely and thus they rented the house for a long time.


I mean 14 years is a long time but now she needs to come back to the house.


Source: Reddit

This gave the tenants quite an unwelcome surprise as they weren’t expecting it.


This led them to vent their frustrations on her by insulting her life choices.


So she put her foot down and told them to leave within three months.

Some of her friends do sympathise with the tenants and are calling her out.


And that is how she ended up deciding to extend the notice a bit more.

Source: Reddit

In this one, I don’t think anyone is completely an a-hole. While I believe the tenants acted inappropriately and should not have insulted her, I can understand their frustration. As someone who has lived in the same house since birth and was evicted at the age of 16, I understand the anguish of leaving such a home behind. It is essentially your home, and every memory you have is associated with it.

That doesn’t mean the OP should buy another house, but I believe she could have given them a little more time than three months. While what she is doing is legal, she could have been a little more generous. I can only hope that things work out soon for both parties in this story.

People in the comments had quite a lot of differing views.


While most agreed that she was legally allowed to do this.

It doesn’t mean the tenants won’t be frustrated with the situation.


So I am happy that she took the criticism in stride.

Source: Reddit

And decided to give her tenants a longer time to find a new home.


People also shared laws of other countries and they make a lot of sense.

What are your thoughts on this resolution? Do you believe it would have been preferable if OP had given them more notice? Or do you believe she did everything she could, and it isn’t her fault? What would you have done in this situation if you were the landlord? Let us know in the comments section below, and don’t forget to share this article with your friends so they can add their advice as well.


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