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Man Gets Furious Because Wife Booked Family Vacation Without His Approval, Gets Schooled On Reddit

Financial responsibilities come along with marriage. Sometimes, it gets hard to choose between the happiness of your loved ones and fulfilling financial responsibilities. In today’s story, OP (38M) and his wife (36F) have two kids (F6, M8). Despite OP’s objections, his wife booked a trip to Great Wolf Lodge for Christmas, citing the kids’ wishes. OP had concerns about the lodge’s cleanliness and costliness. With financial strains and prior commitments, OP opted out of the trip, disappointing his family but prioritizing financial responsibility.


Scroll down till the end to read the full story.

1. OP refused to go on a family trip which was already decided.


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2. OP and wife have two kids. The story begins at Thanksgiving when the wife suggests the Great Wolf Lodge trip.


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3. OP objected to the Great Wolf Lodge trip due to cleanliness concerns and high costs, which included expensive rooms and additional expenses.


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4. As the month passed, OP assumed the Great Wolf Lodge trip was canceled, but on the 16th, his wife informed him she booked it.


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5. OP questioned his wife about booking the trip, citing financial concerns and prior commitments, but she insisted they could manage.


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OP had to cancel plans for a surprise dinner on New Year’s Eve due to the unexpected trip booking.


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OP decided not to go on the trip and informed his wife and kids, citing a work conflict to avoid worrying them.

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The story shows how communication and compromise are important in a family. OP’s wife booked an expensive trip without discussing it fully with him. This caused stress and financial strain. OP prioritized responsible spending and had to cancel plans because of the trip. It’s important for families to talk about big decisions together and consider everyone’s feelings and financial situation. This story teaches that open communication and working together can help avoid misunderstandings and ensure everyone’s needs are met.

Now that you have read the story, it’s time for you to see what Redditors had to say about this. Read till the end to see what are other people’s opinions on this. Don’t forget to share your own opinion at the end of this article.

Both OP and their wife are at fault for not communicating properly about the trip. They should have discussed the financial implications and come to a decision together.


OP, you’re in the wrong for canceling plans without discussing them with your wife first.

This comment gives different perspectives.


While OP’s wife shouldn’t have booked the trip without consulting OP, OP’s reaction of canceling plans without discussion isn’t the best way to handle the situation.

Both OP and their wife need to work on their communication and decision-making skills to avoid similar conflicts in the future.


That age of kids is hard to be taken care of.

Redditors are snubbing OP for throwing a tantrum.


OP should get his act together.

People are claiming OP can get it all cheaper.


Basically, you can choose to do everything on a budget.

That’s a funny word.


Some people think OP’s wife should have consulted him before booking the trip.

People are reaching straight to YTA.


What are your thoughts on this story? What would you do, or how would you react if you were in OP’s position? You know that your feedback means a lot to us; therefore, we want you to share your thoughts in the comment section below. For more such articles, keep visiting Defused. Have a nice day!

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“Why are you so gorgeous??! What’s everyone’s favorite photo of their kitten/cat?”

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